
A modern, minimal prelaunch preset for Jigsaw powered by Tailwind CSS


A modern, minimal prelaunch preset for Jigsaw powered by Tailwind CSS


If using Puzzle CLI, pass the --preset flag with a value of prelaunch:

puzzle new my-site --preset prelaunch

If you are installing Jigsaw manually, after installing Jigsaw, run the following command from your project directory:

./vendor/bin/jigsaw init geoffselby/puzzle-prelaunch-preset

This starter template comes with the following.

  • Tailwind CSS V1.0 pre-installed and configured
  • Purgecss to remove unused selectors from your CSS, resulting in smaller CSS files
  • A script that automatically generates a sitemap.xml file
  • A custom 404 page
  • A basic Mailchimp email capture form

Configuring Mailchimp Form

First, create a list in Mailchimp. Then, create an embedded form and copy on the action from the generated form.

Now head to config.php in your project root and paste the action into the mailchimpFormUrl.

Build your site and you should be good to go.