
A mostly blank slate for Jigsaw sites powered by Tailwind CSS


This is a mostly blank slate, starter template for creating a site in Jigsaw and Tailwind CSS with minimal effort.


If using Puzzle CLI, this is the default preset. That means you can just run:

puzzle new my-site

You can be explicit if you want:

puzzle new my-site --preset plain

If you are intalling Jigsaw manually, after installing Jigsaw, run the following command from your project directory:

./vendor/bin/jigsaw init geoffselby/puzzle-plain-preset

This starter template comes with the following.

  • Tailwind CSS V1.0 pre-installed and configured
  • Purgecss to remove unused selectors from your CSS, resulting in smaller CSS files
  • A script that automatically generates a sitemap.xml file
  • A custom 404 page

Configuring Navigation

In order to keep the navigation easily configurable, it is managed via your sites config as illustrated in this blog post. To configure your navigation, open navigation.php from the root directory. Each array is a link in you navigation.

The only required keys are link, the uri for the page, and title, the display title of the link.

// navigation.php
return [
    'link' => '/',
    'title' => 'Home',
    'link' => '/about',
    'title' => 'About',
    'link' => '/contact',
    'title' => 'Contact',