
Logging for PHP 5.3

v1.4 2016-05-03 13:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 19:04:47 UTC



Include gel/error-logging in your composer.json.

    "require": {
        "gel/error-logging": "1.4"

Then do a validate/update.

 composer validate
 composer install --no-dev

Or use this command.

 composer require gel/error-logging


Create a new instance of the class, and choose where the file will be logged via the constructor.

 $myErrorLogger = new gel\logger\ErrorLogger('tmp/example/example.log.php');

Error messages will be removed by default. If you wanna turn them on simple call the function displayErrors.


You cant generate an error by using the function trigger_error.

trigger_error("Error is triggerd", E_USER_ERROR);

Error reporting is set to -1, but you can change it via changeErrorReporting function.

$myErrorLogger->changeErrorReporting("E_ERROR | E_WARNING");

Like always, try to create an instance of this class as early as possible.