gekkone / telegram-bot-php-core
A PHP library that makes using Telegram Bot API much easier.
- php: >=8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- shahradelahi/easy-http: ~v1.3.0
- symfony/dotenv: ^v6.1.0
Requires (Dev)
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.20
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5.20
- psr/log: ^1.1|^2.0|^3.0
- telegram-bot-php/core: v1.0.4
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-05 17:57:17 UTC
Telegram Bot PHP
This library is a simple and easy to use library for creating Telegram API Bots, and this library is designed to provide a platform where one can simply write a bot and have interactions in a matter of minutes.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Webhook
- Update Handling
- Plugins
- Supports
- Logging
- Error Handling
- Example bot
- Troubleshooting
- Code of Conduct
- Contributing
- License
This is an official announcement of support, which allows integrators of all sorts to bring automated interactions with the Telegram Bot API to their users.
This library features:
- The easiest and simplest way for update handling
- Support for all types and methods according to Telegram Bot API 6.0
- Handling
and data encryption/validation - Crash handling and error reporting
- The ability to create advanced
with theirasynchronous
methods - The ability to manage Channels from the bot admin interface
- Downloading and uploading large files
- Full support for inline bots
- Inline keyboard support
- And many more...
composer require telegram-bot-php/core
Click for help with installation
Install Composer
If the above step didn't work, install composer and try again.
Debian / Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install curl php-curl
curl -s | php
php composer.phar install
Composer not found? Use this command instead:
php composer.phar require "telegram-bot-php/core"
Getting started
<?php require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $admin_id = 123456789; $bot_token = 'your_bot_token'; \TelegramBot\Telegram::setToken($bot_token); \TelegramBot\CrashPad::setDebugMode($admin_id); $result = \TelegramBot\Request::sendMessage([ 'chat_id' => $admin_id, 'text' => 'text', ]); echo $result->getRawData(false); // {"ok": true, "result": {...}}
Create set-hook.php
with the following contents:
<?php require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; \TelegramBot\Telegram::setToken($bot_token); $response = \TelegramBot\Request::setWebhook([ 'url' => '' . $bot_token, ]); if ($response->isOk()) { echo $response->getDescription(); exit(0); }
Use self-signed certificate
\TelegramBot\Request::setWebhook([ 'url' => '' . $bot_token, 'certificate' => 'path/to/certificate.pem', ]);
Delete webhook
Update Handling
Create a handler for updates
<?php use TelegramBot\Entities\Update; use TelegramBotTest\EchoBot\Plugins\MainPlugin; class Handler extends \TelegramBot\UpdateHandler { public function __process(Update $update): void { self::addPlugins([ MainPlugin::class, ]); } }
Filter incoming updates
Filtering incoming updates by their type is easy.
$updateHandler->filterIncomingUpdates([ Update::TYPE_MESSAGE, Update::TYPE_CALLBACK_QUERY, ]);
Or just go advanced:
$updateHandler->filterIncomingUpdates([ Update::TYPE_MESSAGE => function (\TelegramBot\Entities\Update $update) { return $update->getMessage()->getChat()->getId() === 259760855; } ]);
The Plugins are a way to create a bot that can do more than just echo back the message.
Create plugin for Handler class
<?php use TelegramBot\Entities\Message; use TelegramBot\Entities\WebAppData; class MainPlugin extends \TelegramBot\Plugin { public function onMessage(int $update_id, Message $message): \Generator { if ($message->getText() === '/start') { yield \TelegramBot\Request::sendMessage([ 'chat_id' => $message->getChat()->getId(), 'text' => 'Hello, ' . $message->getFrom()->getFirstName(), ]); } if ($message->getText() === '/ping') { yield \TelegramBot\Request::sendMessage([ 'chat_id' => $message->getChat()->getId(), 'text' => 'pong', ]); } } public function onWebAppData(int $update_id, WebAppData $webAppData): \Generator { yield \TelegramBot\Request::sendMessage([ 'chat_id' => $webAppData->getUser()->getId(), 'text' => 'Hello, ' . $webAppData->getUser()->getFirstName(), ]); } }
Anonymous plugins and handlers
$commands = new class() extends \TelegramBot\Plugin { public function onUpdate(\TelegramBot\Entities\Update $update): \Generator { // Write your code here } }; $admin = new class() extends \TelegramBot\Plugin { // TODO: Write your code here }; (new \TelegramBot\UpdateHandler())->addPlugins([$commands, $admin])->resolve();
Available events and methods
class SomePlugin extends \TelegramBot\Plugin { public function onUpdate(Update $update): \Generator {} public function onMessage(int $update_id, Message $message): \Generator {} public function onEditedMessage(int $update_id, EditedMessage $editedMessage): \Generator {} public function onChannelPost(int $update_id, ChannelPost $channelPost): \Generator {} public function onEditedChannelPost(int $update_id, EditedChannelPost $editedChannelPost): \Generator {} public function onInlineQuery(int $update_id, InlineQuery $inlineQuery): \Generator {} public function onChosenInlineResult(int $update_id, ChosenInlineResult $chosenInlineResult): \Generator {} public function onCallbackQuery(int $update_id, CallbackQuery $callbackQuery): \Generator {} public function onShippingQuery(int $update_id, ShippingQuery $shippingQuery): \Generator {} public function onPreCheckoutQuery(int $update_id, PreCheckoutQuery $preCheckoutQuery): \Generator {} public function onPoll(int $update_id, Poll $poll): \Generator {} public function onPollAnswer(int $update_id, PollAnswer $pollAnswer): \Generator {} public function onWebAppData(int $update_id, WebAppData $webAppData): \Generator {} }
This library supports evey Telegram Bot API method and entity since API version 6.0.
Error Handling
Using CrashPad for reporting error through telegram. just add below to your Update handler.
Please report any bugs you find on the issues page.
Code of Conduct
The Telegram-Bot-PHP Code of Conduct can be found at this document.
Thank you for considering contributing to this project. please open an issue or pull request if you have any suggestions or just email
The Telegram-Bot-PHP library is open-sourced under the MIT license.