
HTTP Component

2.0.0 2016-02-03 18:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:42:25 UTC


Build Status


You can use composer to install this component. The package is:

geggleto/http ^2.0

Basic Usage


The Request class provides an object oriented wrapper around the PHP superglobals. This makes it possible to inject it as a dependency into any of your classes that require it.

use Http\Request;

$request = new Request($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_SERVER);

Now you can use the following methods on the $request object:

$request->getParameter($key, $defaultValue = null);
$request->getFile($key, $defaultValue = null);
$request->getCookie($key, $defaultValue = null);

Please note that both GET and POST parameters are merged together and accessible with getParameter.


The Response object is the data holder for the HTTP response. It has no constructor dependencies and can be instantiated with just:

use Http\Response;

$response =  new Response;

The response can be modified with following methods:

$response->setStatusCode($statusCode, $statusText = null);
$response->addHeader($name, $value);
$response->setHeader($name, $value);
$response->addCookie(Cookie $cookie);
$response->deleteCookie(Cookie $cookie);

If you don't supply a status text with setStatusCode then an appropriate default status text will be selected for the HTTP status code if available.

addHeader adds a new header value without overwriting existing values, setHeader will overwrite an existing value.

The redirect method will set the status code and text for a 301 redirect.

deleteCookie will set the cookie content to nothing and put the expiration in the past.

The following two methods are available to send the response to the client:


They can be used like this:

foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $header) {
    header($header, false);

echo $response->getContent();

The second parameter of header must be false. Otherwise existing headers will be overwritten.


To avoid new calls in your classes and to have the ability to set default cookie settings for you application, there is a CookieBuilder class that you can use to create your cookie objects. It has the following methods available:

$cookieBuilder->setDefaultDomain($domain); // defaults to NULL
$cookieBuilder->setDefaultPath($path); // defaults to '/'
$cookieBuilder->setDefaultSecure($secure); // defaults to TRUE
$cookieBuilder->setDefaultHttpOnly($httpOnly); // defaults to TRUE
$cookieBuilder->build($name, $value); // returns the cookie object

You can use the following methods to manipulate an existing cookie:


The cookie object can the be used with the HttpResponse methods addCookie and deleteCookie.



use Http\Request;
use Http\Response;
use Http\CookieBuilder;

$loader = require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$cookieBuilder = new CookieBuilder;

// Disable the secure flag because this is only an example

$request = new Request($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_SERVER);
$response = new Response;

$content = '<h1>Hello World</h1>';
$content .= $request->getCookie('TestCookie', 'Cookie is not set.');

if ($request->getParameter('setCookie') === 'true') {
    $cookie = $cookieBuilder->build('TestCookie', 'Cookie is set.');


foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $header) {

echo $response->getContent();