
Easily create your PHP applications with BuuhV Framework

1.0.1 2020-04-10 23:58 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-13 18:39:22 UTC



composer create-project geeknection/buuhvframework

Easily create your PHP applications with the BuuhV Framework

Folders Structure

app/views/pages - it has your views page. Example: home/index.html
app/views/components - it has your components page. Example: sidebar.html
app/views/layout - it has your design dependencies as css, js or image files

app/controllers/ - it has your app controllers. Example: home/index.php
app/models/ - it has your models of controllers. Example: home/index.php

texts/ - it has your language files. Example: texts/en-us.tx

How can I build my app?

In folder App you have controllers, models and views.
Pages are in views folder
Controllers are in controllers folder
Models are in models folder.

How to build a view?

In app folder create some like this: view-name/index.html
Then build page template inside it

How to build a route?

In your app folder open index.php.file and before Routes::notFound() write
"Routes::set('/your-route-name, function() {
//here you will get your view

How can I define css, js or image file?

Inside layout folder

How can I import path layout file?

In your view file use "echo App::layout ('file-path-in-folder');"

How can I define values in html file?

Inside your html file write some likes this: {{variableName}} When you are call View::build... You need to write View::build('view-name', array( 'variableName' => variable-value ));

How can I translate my application?

create your file language inside texts folder. Example: texts/en-us.txt

How can I use rest service api?

When you do request to your server, use: yourdomain/api.php?c=controller-name-class&m=method-used

How can I create session ?

Session::set('session-name', 'session-value');

How can I load component html?


How can I define values in component html ?

Inside your html file write some likes this: {{variableName}}
When you are call View::component... You need to write View::component('component-name', array(
'variableName' => variable-value