
Validate credit cards.

v1.0 2017-06-28 12:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 03:11:50 UTC


Supported cards :

  1. visaelectron
  2. maestro
  3. forbrugsforeningen
  4. dankort
  5. visa
  6. mastercard
  7. amex
  8. dinersclub
  9. discover
  10. unionpay
  11. jcb

Install: "require": { "gdianov/yii2-creditcard-validator": "^1.0" },

How to use?

You can attach the validator as a model or use it directly.

public function rules() {
       return [
           [['text'], 'string'],
           ['card', CreditCardValidator::className(), 'type' => 'mastercard', 'luhn' => true],
           [['date'], 'safe'],
CreditCardValidator::validateCard('mastercard', 5100000000000000, true); //return true or false


  1. type of card.
  2. value for validation
  3. apply luhn algorithm (