
A simple PSR-3 compliant PHP logger

1.0.0 2021-02-12 23:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 15:37:07 UTC


Simple PSR-3 compliant logger; less than 200 SLOC and 4 files.

Only one dependency, psr/log, use this package with confidence.

This was originally a library that I developed for my own projects, but I thought it might be worth sharing. If you have any comments or spot a bug, feel free to open an issue.

Tests will eventually come later.


Global minimal log level

Define a global minimal log level, useful when switching from development (DEBUG) to development (INFO or even NOTICE).

Custom writers with individual minimal level

The default writer writes to local log files, but if you want something else, feel free to create a custom writer, implement a single method present in the SimpleLoggerWriterInterface, pass it to the logger and you are good to go. As and added bonus, you can define a higher minimal level per writer. For example: all the logs go to the log file and only the critical ones go through your custom writer.

Logger proxies

Useful when a prefix needs to be prepended to a log message, for example inside a service class or a controller. Instead of the log message being

[INFO] Blah

it becomes

[INFO][Context] Blah

This is done through the use of a lightweight wrapper class that references a single global SimpleLogger instance, meaning you save on

  • time: do not manually prefix your log message for each class
  • resources: there is only one "heavy" instance of the logger and its writers, the proxies are, well, proxies


composer require gd-75/simple-logger


Some every-day use cases, if you think that one use case is missing and should be added, feel free to open an issue :)

Basic use

use GD75\SimpleLogger\SimpleLogger;

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$logger = new SimpleLogger(SimpleLogger::LEVEL_INFO);

// Minimal log level at logger-level
$logger->debug("I should not be here");
$logger->info("I should be here");

// Non-valid log level (it will always be logged, no matter the minimal log level)
$logger->log("test", "My level was originally a string saying 'test', which is not a known log level");

// Context
$logger->info("I have a context, check it out", ["message" => "Thanks for checking me out!"]);

Default writer (file) with custom paths

use GD75\SimpleLogger\SimpleLogger;
use GD75\SimpleLogger\FileWriter;

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$logger = new SimpleLogger(SimpleLogger::LEVEL_INFO, false);
// Notice that since the minimal level of the logger is INFO, using a lower level here will have no influence
$logger->addWriter(SimpleLogger::LEVEL_DEBUG, new FileWriter("out", "out/contexts"));

$logger->info("It works!");


use GD75\SimpleLogger\SimpleLogger;

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$logger = new SimpleLogger(SimpleLogger::LEVEL_INFO);

// Using proxy and proxy of a proxy
$loggerProxy = $logger->getProxy("[MyContext]");
$loggerProxy2 = $loggerProxy->getProxy("[MySubContext]");
$loggerProxy->info("I have gone through a proxy!");
$loggerProxy2->info("This is starting to get out of hands");

Non-default writer

use GD75\SimpleLogger\SimpleLogger;
use GD75\SimpleLogger\SimpleLoggerWriterInterface;

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

class CLIWriterSimple implements SimpleLoggerWriterInterface {

    public function write(string $levelName, string $message, array $context): void
        $contextElementCount = count($context);
        echo "[{$levelName}] {$message}. Context has {$contextElementCount} element(s) in it.\n";

$logger = new SimpleLogger(SimpleLogger::LEVEL_INFO, false);

// Using a writer with a higher minimal level
$logger->addWriter(SimpleLogger::LEVEL_CRITICAL, new CLIWriterSimple());
$logger->critical("This will be seen in the command line");

// Proxies will of course also work with custom writers
$loggerProxy = $logger->getProxy("[MyContext]");
$loggerProxy->critical("I have gone through a proxy!");