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Simple wrapper for cURL for basic requests

dev-master 2017-08-18 07:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 00:46:18 UTC


Simple PHP Http Request Wrapper using cURL under the hood.


$ php composer.phar require gatorv/simple-http


Basic Usage

use Gatorv\Web\SimpleHttpRequest as Request;

$req = new Request();
list($headers, $body) = $req->get('https://url/');

Main Methods

Perform a GET Request


Perform a POST Request:

$req->post($url, $data); 


The following options can be customized on constructing the object (or after construction:

  1. redirects - The number of redirects to perform if a Location header is sent.
  2. proxy - The proxy and port to use
  3. ssl - Wether to verify the SSL certificate or not (for testing)

Also the following methods are available:

Use a Desktop User-Agent:


Use a Mobile User-Agent:


Reset Headers:


Request Compression:


Add a HTTP Cookie:
