
1.0.5 2020-11-07 11:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-07 20:53:01 UTC


PHP wrapper for the Telegram login widget. The Telegram login widget is a simple way to authorize users on your website.

Useful links:


  • async/sync load
  • different button sizes
  • user's photo
  • configurable button corner radius
  • authentificate result can be sent to callback or reirection url
  • get write to user permission

Constructor params

  • $botName: string - bot name
  • $botKey: string - bot auth key
  • $cookieName: string - cookie name to store auth data
  • $config: string - config array for widget

Config options

  • size: string enum('large', 'medium', 'small'] - size of button
  • userPhoto: boolean - get user's photo in auth result
  • cornerRadius: number - button corner radius
  • resultActionType: string enum('callback', 'url') - button corner radius
  • resultAction: string - callback javascript function name or url to redirect
  • requestWrite: boolean - allow get write messages to user permission
  • async: boolean - allow async script load
  • maxAge: number - max age of auth data to be actual

Public properties

  • user TelegramUserModel - authentificated user data or null

Public methods

  • isAuthentificated(): boolean - check if user authentificated (based on cookie)
  • getWidget(): string - get widget html code
  • logOut(): void - clear cookie and user data
  • setUser(TelegramUserModel $user): void - set current user
  • clearUser(): void - clear current user
  • checkTelegramAuthorization($auth_data): void - check data from telegram


Basic usage

require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";

use Garphild\AuthTelegram\TelegramAuthentificator;

define('BOT_USERNAME', 'XXXXXXX'); // place username of your bot here
define('BOT_KEY', 'XXXXX:XXXXXXXXX'); // place @botFather key of your bot here
define('BOT_COOKIE_NAME', 'XXXXXX'); // place cookie name to store data
$config = [
$tgAuth = new TelegramAuthentificator(BOT_USERNAME, BOT_KEY, BOT_COOKIE_NAME, $config);


See examples folder. This is simple examples. Don't use in production. Use sessions to store data or JWT keys or any secure method.


require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";

use Garphild\AuthTelegram\TelegramAuthentificator;

define('BOT_USERNAME', 'XXXXXXX'); // place username of your bot here
define('BOT_KEY', 'XXXXX:XXXXXXXXX'); // place @botFather key of your bot here
define('BOT_COOKIE_NAME', 'XXXXXX'); // place cookie name to store data
$config = [
  'resultActionType' => 'url',
  'resultAction' => 'check_authorization.php',
$tgAuth = new TelegramAuthentificator(BOT_USERNAME, BOT_KEY, BOT_COOKIE_NAME, $config);
if (isset($_COOKIE["tg_user"])) {
    $tgAuth->setUser(new TelegramUserModel(json_decode($_COOKIE["tg_user"], true)));

if ($_GET['logout']) {
  setcookie("tg_user", null);

if ($tgAuth->isAuthentificated()) {
    ... user authentificated ...
} else {
    ... not authentificated ...
    echo $tgAuth->getWidget();


require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";

use Garphild\AuthTelegram\TelegramAuthentificator;

define('BOT_USERNAME', 'XXXXXXX'); // place username of your bot here
define('BOT_KEY', 'XXXXX:XXXXXXXXX'); // place @botFather key of your bot here
define('BOT_COOKIE_NAME', 'XXXXXX'); // place cookie name to store data
$config = [
$tgAuth = new TelegramAuthentificator(BOT_USERNAME, BOT_KEY, BOT_COOKIE_NAME, $config);

try {
  setcookie("tg_user", json_encode($tgAuth->user));
} catch (Exception $e) {
  die ($e->getMessage());

header('Location: login_example.php');

After success login user's info available as $tgAuth->user.