
A fast Javascript minifier that removes unnecessary whitespace and comments

1.0.0 2021-10-11 18:48 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 05:14:21 UTC


A fast Javascript minifier that removes unnecessary whitespace and comments


If you are using Composer, use

composer require garfix/js-minify


The simplest use of the library comes down to this:

$minifiedJs = \Garfix\JsMinify\Minifier::minify($js);

Where $js contains the unprocessed code and $minifiedJs holds the minified version.

If you want to change the default options, use minify($js, $options), where $options is an array of one or more of the following:

  • \Garfix\JsMinify\Minifier::FLAGGED_COMMENTS (bool, default: true) When set to false, /*! ... */ flagged comments are removed as well.


I started this library because I believed JShrink could be made much faster by the use of dedicated regular expressions. This turned out to be true. It is about 10x faster on PHP 7 and 5x faster on PHP 8.