
Export your Laravel routes to a Postman collection .json file

1.0.11 2022-08-02 15:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-30 00:24:35 UTC



  1. It's a Package created with Dingo Router to OnePulse internal use. Fork and rewrite as you wish.
  2. Postman collection scheme
  3. Artisan consol commands
  4. Can post project URL address via console
  5. Basic file name change to postman_collection.json
  6. Exporting @descriptions / @desc / @des
  7. Exporting @params


Install via composer:

composer require --dev galter/laravel-postman-export-onepulse

Add the service provider to your providers array in config/app.php


That's all!


php artisan postman:export

This will create a postman_collection.json inside your storage/app folder. You are free to change the name of the file by specifying the filename as follows:

php artisan postman:export --name=MyAppName --api

phpdoc Code rules


`class Foo { /**

  • @var string $name Should contain a description
  • @var string $description Should contain a description */ protected $name, $description; }`


` /**

  • Counts the number of items in the provided array.
  • @param mixed[] $items Array structure to count the elements of.
  • @return int Returns the number of elements. */ function count(array $items) { <...> } `



  • @return integer Indicates the number of items. */ function count() { <...> }`
