
Socket server and client

dev-master 2017-01-20 03:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 02:55:45 UTC



The SocketClient class is used to create a socket communication from server.SocketServer class is used to listen the server port and create socket communication for client request.

GASocket mainly use the 'block' to receive callback.socket_* function is the core of GASocket.

When you use the GASocket as server, sever receive the quit data form clinet, this client connection will disconnect.Or receive the shutdown data from client, server will close in listening port and program execution is completed.


composer require ga/socket dev-master

#Usage ##namespace \ga\socket


Config Params ip : Connection ip address. port : Port. callback : When client receive the server's data ,this block will call. domain, type, protocol : According to socket_create() function to set up.(Default is TCP connection configuration). sendTimeOut,recTimeOut : According to socket_set_option() function to set up.(), these two params in seconds.

SocketClient Extends SocketConnection

Config Params sync : If true it was blocking mode.Default is false means it was 'nonblock' mode.
sendData : When connection is successful send the sendData.


$soc = new SocketClient([
    'ip' => '',
    'port' => '30000'
$soc->sendData = 'data' . "\n";
$soc->callback = function($data, $socket) use ($soc){
    echo 'Client receive:' . $data ."\n";

NOTICE In the client $soc is the same of $socket.

##SocketServer Extends SocketConnection Config Params singleMode : The true means that the max number of clients is only one. maxClients : The max number of the clients to connect.(If singleMode was true ,this param is invalid, and it's default value is 10.)


$soc = new SocketServer([
    'singleModel' =>true
$soc->callback = function ($data, $socket) use($soc){

    echo 'server receive:' . $data ."\n";
    $soc->send($socket, 'Server has receive data'."\n\r");

NOTICE $soc is the server socket variable, $socket is the current connected client socket.