

dev-master 2017-02-16 01:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 21:59:34 UTC


#Yii2-resque(best,easy) ##Install You need to use composer Primarily, You need to add the following code toroot package(project directory), because the newest php-resque is dev-master, the tagged version is oldest.

        "chrisboulton/php-resque": "@dev"

Then run:

composer require ga/resque dev-master

##Set up

###For Yii2-basic

1.Copy the ResqueController.txt to command directory and renamed ResqueController.php, and then modify the namespace to app\commands.

2.Modify console.php in config directory, add the following code.

   'resque' => [
       'class' => 'ga\resque\GAResque',
       'server' => '',     // Redis server address
       'port' => '6379',            // Redis server port
       'database' => 0,             // Redis database number

3.Create *Job.php in models directory.


namespace app\models;
class MyJob
    public function setUp()
        // ... Set up environment for this job
    public function perform()
        echo "1\n";
    public function tearDown()
        // ... Remove environment for this job

The perform() method will deal with work,setUp() will run at begin of work, tearDown()will run at finished work. **NOTICE:**You must enqueue with \Yii::$app->resque->dequeue('default', 'app\models\MyJob', [1], true);, Yii2 find the file by autoloader according to namesapce.

For Yii2-advanced

1.Copy the ResqueController.txt to console/controllers directory and renamed ResqueController.php, and then modify the namespace to console\controllers.

2.Modify console/main.php in config directory, add the following code.

   'resque' => [
       'class' => 'ga\resque\GAResque',
       'server' => '',     // Redis server address
       'port' => '6379',            // Redis server port
       'database' => 0,             // Redis database number

3.Create *Job.php in models(include console,frontend,backend,common) directory.


namespace backend\models;
namespace console\models;
namespace frontend\models;
namespace common\models;
class MyJob
    public function setUp()
        // ... Set up environment for this job
    public function perform()
        echo "1\n";
    public function tearDown()
        // ... Remove environment for this job

The perform() method will deal with work,setUp() will run at begin of work, tearDown()will run at finished work.

**NOTICE:**You must enqueue with \Yii::$app->resque->dequeue('default', 'backend\models\MyJob', [1], true);, Yii2 find the file by autoloader according to namesapce.


Enqueue and dequeue the job task.

   \Yii::$app->resque->enqueue('default', 'BadJob', [1], true);
   \Yii::$app->resque->dequeue('default', 'BadJob', [1], true);

More information you can also see the php-resque.

NOTICE: dequeue() not available now, can be use in the future.

Param default is queue name,BadJob is the class of which will complete the work. Param [1] is array params for BadJob. In the root of project directory, run following code:

nohup QUEUE=* ./yii resque &

NOTICE:* means will start all queues.You can replace * with queue name or like thisQUEUE=default1,default2 will run specified queue.