
A form builder library.

v3.1.0 2024-12-10 08:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-10 08:47:50 UTC


FyreFormBuilder is a free, open-source form builder library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/formbuilder


use Fyre\Form\FormBuilder;

Basic Usage

$form = new FormBuilder($html);



Render a button element.

  • $content is a string representing the button content.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the button.
$button = $form->button($content, $options);

By default, the button content will be HTML escaped. To disable this, set the escape value to false in the options array.

All other options will be created as attributes on the button element.


Render a form close tag.

$close = $form->close();

Fieldset Close

Render a fieldset close tag.

$fieldsetClose = $form->fieldsetClose();

Fieldset Open

Render a fieldset open tag.

  • $options is an array of options for rendering the fieldset.
$fieldset = $form->fieldsetOpen($options);

All options will be created as attributes on the fieldset element.


Render an input element.

  • $name is a string representing the input name.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the input.
$input = $form->input($name, $options);

All options will be created as attributes on the input element.

By default, the input will be created as a text type. You can use the following helper methods to generate other input type fields.

$input = $form->checkbox($name, $options);
$input = $form->color($name, $options);
$input = $form->date($name, $options);
$input = $form->datetime($name, $options);
$input = $form->email($name, $options);
$input = $form->file($name, $options);
$input = $form->hidden($name, $options);
$input = $form->image($name, $options);
$input = $form->month($name, $options);
$input = $form->number($name, $options);
$input = $form->password($name, $options);
$input = $form->radio($name, $options);
$input = $form->range($name, $options);
$input = $form->reset($name, $options);
$input = $form->search($name, $options);
$input = $form->submit($name, $options);
$input = $form->tel($name, $options);
$input = $form->text($name, $options);
$input = $form->time($name, $options);
$input = $form->url($name, $options);
$input = $form->week($name, $options);


Render a label element.

  • $content is a string representing the label content.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the label.
$label = $form->label($content, $options);

By default, the label content will be HTML escaped. To disable this, set the escape value to false in the options array.

All other options will be created as attributes on the label element.


Render a legend element.

  • $content is a string representing the legend content.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the legend.
$legend = $form->legend($content, $options);

By default, the legend content will be HTML escaped. To disable this, set the escape value to false in the options array.

All other options will be created as attributes on the legend element.


Render a form open tag.

  • $action is a string representing the form action.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the form.
$open = $form->open($action, $options);

All options will be created as attributes on the form element.

Open Multipart

Render a multipart form open tag.

  • $action is a string representing the form action.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the form.
$open = $form->openMultipart($action, $options);

All options will be created as attributes on the form element.


Render a select element.

  • $name is a string representing the select name.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the select.
$select = $form->select($name, $options);

Option elements can be created by specifying an options value in the options array. Selected options can be specified using the selected value in the options array.

All other options will be created as attributes on the select element.

Select Multiple

Render a multiple select element.

  • $name is a string representing the select name.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the select.
$select = $form->selectMulti($name, $options);

Option elements can be created by specifying an options value in the options array. Selected options can be specified using the selected value in the options array.

All other options will be created as attributes on the select element.


Render a textarea element.

  • $name is a string representing the textarea name.
  • $options is an array of options for rendering the textarea.
$textarea = $form->textarea($name, $options);

All options will be created as attributes on the textarea element.