
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Image Resizing micro service.

1.1 2016-05-03 17:58 UTC


A lightweight PHP image resizer

Out of the box usage

  1. Run composer install
  2. Set up environment variables
  3. Resize your images


The image resizer is intended to live as a standalone microservice behind a CDN. The first request for a query combination http://resizer-url.com/resize/?source=http://image-source.com/images/image.jpg&height=300&width=400 will fall through to the resizer instance but any subsequent requests should be cached by the CDN.

Environment Variables

The resizer depends on a few configurable environment variables (can be loaded from a dotenv file):

  • ALLOWED_HOSTS - a comma separated string of whitelisted domains
  • CACHE_EXPIRATION_HOURS - length (in hours) to set Cache-Control with the max-age directive and Expires headers. Any CDN should obey your cache rules and cache objects appropriately.
  • APP_ENV - app environment

Best Practices

In light of exploits like https://imagetragick.com/, we recommend that your implementation:

  1. Uses the latest version of ImageMagick
  2. Follows mitigation procedures listed on https://imagetragick.com/
  3. Has severely restricted access to any other resources (on the same network or otherwise)
  4. Only processes images from sources you whitelist


healthcheck.php will return a 200 for Load Balancer health pings.


Run phpunit