
Where objects go to wait. Easily work with any cloud object-store.

v1.0.8 2014-12-08 22:03 UTC


Where objects to go wait.

Purgatory is a platform agnostic object store library. You can build your fancy with support for image uploads and delivery via local storage, and convert it to infinitely scalable cloud storage by simply changing the credentials provided.


Add the following to your composer.json:

"funnylookinhat/purgatory": "dev-master"

Basic Usage

Everything begins with initializing a provider; this can include platform-specific options, but all API calls after this point are platform agnostic.

$purgatory = new Purgatory((object)array(
    'provider' => 'rackspace',
    'region' => 'ORD',
    'username' => 'myUsername',
    'apiKey' => 'myApiKey',

All functions that begin with get and create will return an object, whereas functions that begin with list return strings ( of names ).

Containers are the entry point to manipulate objects.

$container = $purgatory->getContainer('someContainer');
$containers = $purgatory->getContainers();
$containerNames = $purgatory->listContainers();
$container = $purgatory->createContainer('myContainer');

Once you have a container, you can manipulate objects.

$name = $container->getName();
$object = $container->getObject('myObject');
$object = $container->createObject('someObject', 'path/to/someObject.file');
$objects = $container->getAllObjects();
$objectNames = $container->listAllObjects();
$url = $container->getUrl();
$sslUrl = $container->getSslUrl();

Objects also have several actions.

$name = $object->getName();
$md5 = $object->getChecksum();
$url = $object->getUrl();
$sslUrl = $object->getSslUrl();