
Laravel Encryptable addon for easy encrypt/decrypt database values with as many as 4 lines of code.

dev-master 2021-01-31 15:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:41:36 UTC


Laravel Encryptable addon for easy encrypt/decrypt database values with as many as 4 lines of code.

  • Single trait to use within all your models.
  • Specify all attributes you want or you do not want to encrypt.
  • Automatically encrypts the data on create/update.
  • Automatically decrypts the values on retrieve and attribute access.
  • Can be used with all available databases. Please, be aware of the length of your data.
  • Respects both: the casts and the dates fields.
  • Under the hood, it uses the Crypt trait from Laravel.
  • It respects the casts and mutations of your attributes.

Made with love and code by Fundamental Studio Ltd.


The package is compatible with Laravel 7+ version.

Via composer:

$ composer require fundamental-studio/laravel-encryptable

After installing, the package should be auto-discovered by Laravel. That's it. You are up & running and ready to go.

Documentation and Usage instructions

The usage of our package is pretty seamless and easy. First of all, you need to use the proper namespace for our package:

use Fundamental\Encryptable\Encryptable;

After that, use the trait inside your Eloquent Model, like this:

class User extends Model
    use Encryptable;

    // The rest of your model.

Then, you can specify the attributes you want to encrypt or just those that you do not want to:

protected $encryption = [
    'attribute_1', 'attribute_2', 'attribute_3'

You can also specify:

protected $encryptAll = true;

And the use the skipEncryption rule for those which should be ommitted.

protected $skipEncryption = [
    'attribute_4', 'attribute_5'

By default, the id and the timestamp fields are ommitted.


The package is as simple as possible. It contains a trait, which is overriding the default setAttribute and getAttributeValue methods. You can find more about them at Laravel API Documentation.

There aren't any public exposed methods you should use.


All changes are available in our Changelog file.


For any further questions, feature requests, problems, ideas, etc. you can create an issue tracker or drop us a line at


Read the Contribution file for further information.


  • Konstantin Rachev
  • Vanya Ananieva

The package is bundled and contributed to the community by Fundamental Studio Ltd.'s team.


If you discover any issues, please use the issue tracker.


If your discover any security-related issues, please email or instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License(MIT). See License file for further information and reading.