
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Exchange Web Services bridge for Laravel 5

1.0.0 2016-02-15 20:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:55:42 UTC


Exchange Web Services bridge for Laravel 5


Require this package with Composer

composer require fuitad/laravel-exchange-web-services

Quick Start

Once Composer has installed or updated your packages you need to register EwsBridge with Laravel itself. Open up config/app.php and find the providers key, towards the end of the file, and add 'EwsBridge\EwsServiceProvider::class', to the end:

'providers' => [

Now find the alliases key, again towards the end of the file, and add 'ExchangeWebServices' => 'EwsBridge\Facade\ExchangeWebServices::class', to have easier access to the EwsBridge:

'aliases' => [
                'ExchangeWebServices' => EwsBridge\Facade\ExchangeWebServices::class

Now that you have the both of these added to config/app.php we will use Artisan to add the new ews config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="EwsBridge\EwsServiceProvider"

Most of the config values are fetch from your .env file so you'll want to add the following variables in your ENV file:

EWS_USERNAME=email@account.com OR domain\username

Your URL must link to the wsdl file on your EWS server, otherwise, it won't work!

If you need to log into a delegate account, you'll also need to add the following variable:



$messages = ExchangeWebServices::get_messages(5);