

Installs: 5 741

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0


v1.0.3 2019-12-09 07:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-15 12:19:47 UTC


Registering Paths

Register a path as an autoload path

Assuming the following directory structure:

     |- common
     |    `- classes
     |        `- Util
     |            `- String
     |                |- StringUtil.php (\Util\String\StringUtil)
     |                `- StringSearch.php (\Util\String_StringSearch)
     `- core
          `- Input
               |- InputValidator.php
               `- InputFilter.php

※ note that the StringSearch class has 'underscores' (imagine one of the old guys in the company created it.)

To autoload the string utilities:

use frostbane\autoloader\Psr0;
use String\StringUtil;
use String\String_StringSearch;

$loader = Psr0::instance();

$loader->registerPath(__DOC_ROOT__ . "/common/classes");

// StringUtil will automatically be loaded
$strUtil = new StringUtil();

// StringSearch will automatically be loaded
$strSearch = new String_StringSearch();

Assuming the following directory structure:

     |- common
     |    `- classes
     |        `- Util
     |            `- String
     |                |- StringUtil.php
     |                `- StringSearch.php
     `- core
          `- Input
               |- InputValidator.php (\Framework\Validation\Input\InputValidator)
               `- InputFilter.php (\Framework\Validation\Input_InputFilter)

Registering the path __DOC_ROOT_/core will not autoload the validation classes because it has a prefixed namespace.

※ note again that the InputFilter class has 'underscores' (hey old guy welcome to the 21th century!)

To register them with a prefixed namespace:

use frostbane\autoloader\Psr0;
use Framework\Validation\Input\InputValidator;
use Framework\Validation\Input_InputFilter;

$loader = Psr0::instance();

$loader->registerNamespacePath("\\Framework\\Validation", __DOC_ROOT__ . "/core");

// InputValidator will automatically be loaded
$validator = new InputValidator();

// InputFilter will automatically be loaded
$filter = new Input_InputFilter();

Registering Multiple Paths

A couple of overloads exists to make the code a little readable.

use frostbane\autoloader\Psr0;

$loader = Psr0::instance();

$loader->registerPath(array(__DOC_ROOT__ . "/common/classes",
                            __DOC_ROOT__ . "/some/other/path",
                            __DIR__ . "/../another/path"));


use frostbane\autoloader\Psr0;

$loader = Psr0::instance();

$loader->registerNamespacePath(array("\\some\\namespace"        => __DOC_ROOT__ . "/common/classes",
                                     "\\some\\other\\namespace" => __DOC_ROOT__ . "/some/other/path",
                                     "\\another\\namespace"     => __DIR__ . "/../another/path"));


If you are lost, find a bible (perhaps.)

Get the registered paths with:

use frostbane\autoloader\Psr0;

$loader          = Psr0::instance();
$registeredPaths = $loader->getPaths();


Fork it! Spoon it! Whatever.

Run the tests with:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit