
Laravel package for easy file uploads maintenance

v2.0.0 2020-01-14 01:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 14:56:00 UTC


Laravel package for easy file uploads maintenance. It helps to maintain file upload on each of your model.

What this packages do?

  • Manages file uploads related to a model
  • Uploaded file are stored using Storage, no need path config, respecting your config/filesystem.php
  • Create extra database tables/fields is not required, thanks to dynamic upload_* mutator and accessor.
  • Store multiple files via uploads mutator and accessor
  • Any uploaded files are automatically maintained, its deleted and replaced on updates.


Install the package via Composer

composer require frengky/yupload

Then publish the configuration files to your app/config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

Finally, run migrations to create the uploads table

php artisan migrate

Applying on your model

For each of your model that have file uploads, use the HasUploads traits

use Frengky\Yupload\Concerns\HasUploads;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasUploads;
    // store uploaded files under 'user/' path

class Product extends Model
    use HasUploads;
    // store upload under 'product/' path

The physical file will be stored using Storage to your desired disk. It will using your model name (in lowercase) as path.

Storing uploaded file

Saving uploaded file via uploads and upload_* mutators

$user = User::find(1);

// Store uploaded file via dynamic mutator
$user->upload_photo = $request->file('photo');
$user->upload_screenshot = $request->file('screenshot');
$user->uploads = $request->file('all_documents');

// via create
$newUser = User::create([
    'name' => 'Foo',
    'email' => '',
    'upload_photo' => $request->file('photo')

// store or update via fill
    'upload_photo' => $request->file('photo')

// store via relationship

// Store multiple files via predefined 'uploads' mutators
$user->uploads = $request->files;
$user->uploads = $request->file('anotherfile1');
$user->uploads = $request->file('anotherfile2');

// Finally call save() your model as usual to save the related uploaded files

All upload_* prefixed attributes are virtual mutator, creating database fields for each upload type is not needed. The uploads attribute are predefined mutator to store multiple files.

Accessing uploaded file

Acessing uploaded file via uploads and upload_* accessor

$product = Product::find(1);

// via accessor
$photo = $product->upload_photo;

// via relationship
$photo = $product->uploads()->ofType('photo');

// All uploaded file for this entity
$allFiles = $product->uploads;

Update/replace uploaded file

$product = Product::find(1);

// via accessor
$product->upload_photo = $request->file('photo');

// via 'Upload' model
$photo = $product->uploads()->ofType('photo');
$photo->file = $request->file('photo');

The previous physical file will be automatically deleted on save()

Deleting uploaded file

// Delete single uploaded file
$photo = $user->upload_photo;

// Delete all uploaded file related to this entity

// Deleting the entity also delete all related uploaded file

If your model use SoftDeletes, then the uploaded file will be preserved, only deleted on forceDelete();

That's all for now.