
Yii2 real-time chat

Installs: 196

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 1


dev-master 2018-10-04 09:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-04 21:29:18 UTC


Add to composer.json

"freelancerua/yii2-chat": "@dev"


  1. Apply migrations. To apply migration set config in console application as following:

    'controllerMap' => [
        // Migrations for the yii2-chat extension
        'migrate-chat' => [
            'class' => \freelancerua\yii2\chat\migrations\MigrationController::class,
            'migrationNamespaces' => ['freelancerua\yii2\chat\migrations'],
            'migrationPath' => null,
            'migrationTable' => 'migration_chat',
            'userTable' => '{{%user}}', // Change it if user table has different name  

    Now you can run:

    ./yii migrate-chat/up
  2. Setup Redis. For Ubuntu you can follow this instruction:

  3. Configure yii2-chat extension:

    modules' => [
        'chat' => [
            'class' => \freelancerua\yii2\chat\Module::class,
            'socketAddress' => 'http://[domain|IP]:[port]',  // Required
            'userClass' => path\to\user::class, // Required
            'onlineWidow' => (60 * 3), // Required (3 minutes or other time)

    You can use other module name e.g. yiichat Best way add this configuration to main-local.php (for advanced app)

  4. Follow this instructions to update/setup Node.js to version 10.x:
  5. Install pm2 manager:

    npm install pm2 -g
  6. In terminal go to

  7. Update modules:

    npm update
  8. Copy config.example.json to config.json and setup confg values:

        "serverPort": 8890,
        "serverIP": "[IP]", // Exact as your domain or IP set in socketAddress (https required for ssl)
        "redisPort": 6379,
        "redisName": "",
        "redisAuth": null
        "ssl": false,
        "key": "path_to_key",
        "cert": "path_to_pem"
  9. Start and add a process to the pm2 process list:

    pm2 start [@vendor]/freelancerua/yii2-chat/node/server.js --name yii2-chat-server
  10. Implement IChatInterface to user class

    • getChatImage() & getChatName() depends your class realization
    • getIsOnline() & setIsOnline() must be exact as below:
        return (\freelancerua\yii2\chat\Module::getInstance()->onlineWidow
                    + $this->chat_is_online) > time();
        $this->chat_is_online = time();
        return $this->update(false);

    If you plan to use this function in not module context do not forget bootstrap this module.

    'bootstrap' => [..., 'chat']

Module config options you can change

 * {@inheritdoc} 
public $db = 'db';

 * Default chat assets folder
 * @var string
public $assets = '@vendor/freelancerua/yii2-chat/assets';

 * Default chat style file
 * @var string
public $styleFile = 'css/chat.css';

 * Default chat js file
 * @var string
public $jsFile = 'js/chat.js';

 * Format message date when send and update state
 * @var string
public $jsDateFormat = 'DD/MM/YYYY H:mm:ss';

 * Format message date with PHP
 * @var string
public $phpDateFormat = 'php:d/m/Y H:m:s';

 * Redis instance name
 * @var type 
public $redis = 'redis';

 * Redis DB host
 * @var string
public $redisHost = '';

 * Redis DB port
 * @var integer
public $redisPort = 6379;
