
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A simple storage class inspired by the redis api on top of Sqlite

dev-master 2014-08-13 16:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2015-07-01 12:49:57 UTC


A simple storage class inspired by the redis api on top of Sqlite.

Really, meant for those times when you want basic data storage, without going through all the work of installing a Redis server.


    $db = new NotRedis\NotRedis( "PATH_TO_WRITABLE_FOLDER/mydb" );

    $db->set("mykey", 1);


    $db->get("mykey"); // 2

    // Lists

    db->rpush("mylist", "item1");
    db->rpush("mylist", "item2");
    $db->lpush("mylist", "item3");

    $db->get("mylist");  // ["item3", "item1", "item2"]

    // hashes

    $db->hset("myhash", "myfield", 1);
    $db->hmset("myhash", "myfield-1", "value-1", "myfield-2", "value-2");

    $db->hkeys("myhash"); // ["myfield", "myfield-1", "myfield-2"]
    $db->hvals("myhash"); // [1, "value-1", "value-2"]

    $db->hget("myhash", "myfield"); // 1

    $db->get("myhash"); // array("myfield"=>1, "myfield-1"=>"value-1", "myfield-2"=>"value-2")

implemented methods

set, get, exists, keys, del, type, incr, decr, 
llen, lpush, rpush, lset, lindex,
hset, hget, hgetall, hexists, hkeys, hvals, hlen, hincrby, hmset, hmget