
Open Graph image generator for Laravel based on Intervention Image - PHP image processing library

0.1 2024-03-30 13:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:33:18 UTC


Open Graph image generator for Laravel based on Intervention Image - PHP image processing library.

OG image preview


  • Image generation with fully customizable text, logo, background and overlay
  • Background image effects, like a blur, grayscale, etc.
  • Custom fading overlay over background
  • Easy switch between GD and Imagick drivers



The package can be installed via composer:

composer require fractal512/laravel-og-image

Publish the configuration file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="open-graph-image-config"


Use make() method to create Open Graph image with default settings:


use Fractal512\LaravelOpenGraphImage\Facades\OpenGraphImage;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

$text = 'Text to be printed on the Open Graph Image';
$output = Storage::path('generated-image.png');


Custom background can be passed as a second parameter in make() method:

// ...

$background = Storage::path('background-image.png');
OpenGraphImage::make($text, $background)->save($output);

If necessary, other settings can be set using Config::set('key', 'value') facade method:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;

// ...

Config::set('open-graph-image.logo_path', Storage::path('logo.png'));
$background = Storage::path('background-image.png');
OpenGraphImage::make($text, $background)->save($output);


Built-in default configuration settings list:

$config = [
    | Image Processing Driver
    | Supported: "gd" or "imagick"
    'driver' => 'gd',

    | Image Width
    'image_width' => 1200,

    | Image Height
    'image_height' => 630,

    | Image Background Color
    'background_color' => '#444444',

    | Background Image Path
    | Path to the image used for background.
    | Supported: "absolute/path/to/your/background/image.png", null
    'background_path' => null,

    | Background Fill
    | Scale the image to fill the background.
    'background_fill' => true,

    | Background Image Effects
    | An associative array of image effects, where an element's key is
    | the effect method's name in the Intervention library.
    | Different methods accept different numbers of arguments.
    | If no arguments, set null as an element's value, if more than one
    | argument needs to be passed, wrap them into an array.
    | Read more:
    | Available effects are:
    |     "brightness" - 1 argument, integer in range -100..100
    |     "contrast" - 1 argument, integer in range -100..100
    |     "gamma" - 1 argument, float
    |     "colorize" - 3 arguments, all integers in range -100..100
    |     "greyscale" - no arguments, set null
    |     "flop" - no arguments, set null
    |     "flip" - no arguments, set null
    |     "blur" - 1 argument, integer in range 0..100
    |     "sharpen" - 1 argument, integer in range 0..100
    |     "invert" - no arguments, set null
    |     "pixelate" - 1 argument, integer
    |     "reduceColors" - 2 arguments, integer, string
    'background_effects' => [],

    | Overlay Color
    'overlay_color' => '#000000',

    | Overlay Transparency Alpha Channel
    | Supported: float
    'overlay_alpha' => 0.35,

    | Logo Image Path
    | Path to the image used for the logo.
    | Supported: "absolute/path/to/your/logo/image.png", null
    'logo_path' => null,

    | Logo Position
    | Supported: "top-left", "top", "top-right", "left", "center", "right",
    | "bottom-left", "bottom", "bottom-right"
    'logo_position' => 'bottom-right',

    | Logo Offset on X-axis
    'logo_pos_x' => 100,

    | Logo Offset on Y-axis
    'logo_pos_y' => 50,

    | Logo Opacity
    'logo_opacity' => 100,

    | Text X Position
    | Coordinate on X-axis defining the base point of the first character.
    'text_pos_x' => 600,

    | Text Y Position
    | Coordinate on Y-axis defining the base point of the first character.
    'text_pos_y' => 315,

    | Text Horizontal Alignment
    | Supported: "left", "center", "right"
    'text_horizontal_align' => 'center',

    | Text Vertical Alignment
    | Supported: "top", "middle", "bottom"
    'text_vertical_align' => 'middle',

    | Text Wrap Width
    'text_wrap_width' => 1000,

    | Line Height
    | Supported: float
    'text_line_height' => 1.5,

    | Text Color
    'text_color' => '#ffffff',

    | Text Font Size
    'text_font_size' => 48,

    | Font Path
    | If null, preset font (Roboto Regular) will be used.
    | Supported: "absolute/path/to/your/font.ttf", null
    'text_font_path' => null,



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.