
All-in-one HTML/JS/CSS code minifier.

v0.0.4 2024-01-10 04:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 06:55:35 UTC



On 24 February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine by Russian Armed Forces.

Your support is urgently needed.




ShrinkWrap it's a wrapper for PHP minifiers of HTML/JS/CSS code. The main purpose of creating this wheel is the desire to have a more or less flexible tool for minifying ready-made HTML pages created by 3rd-party applications. Simply put - we submit an HTML page at the input, and at the output we have a page in which (optional):

  • HTML, inline JS-scripts and CSS-styles are minified.
  • JS and CSS files referenced by the page (except external ones) are minified (can also be combined) and cached, and the corresponding links are changed to point to the cache.

At the moment, ShrinkWrap uses the following tools:


  • PHP >= 7.3.0


Use composer: composer require fpvcode/shrinkwrap.
Due to dependency requirements the package loaded by default requires PHP version 8.1.0. To download the package compatible with PHP 7.3.0, create a composer.json file with the following content:

    "config": {
        "vendor-dir": "vendor",
        "platform": {
            "php": "7.3"


use fpvcode\ShrinkWrap;

$shrinkwrap = new ShrinkWrap();

// Global options
$shrinkwrap->doMinifyHtml(true);        // Allow to minify HTML Code. Default value is `false`.
$shrinkwrap->doMinifyInlineJs(true);    // Allow to minify inline scripts. The scripts combine and append in the bottom of related parent tag (`head` or `body`). Default value is `false`.
$shrinkwrap->doMinifyInlineCss(true);   // Allow to minify inline styles. The styles combine and append in the bottom of related parent tag (`head` or `body`). Default value is `false`.
$shrinkwrap->doMinifyJs(true);          // Allow to minify and cache non-minified JS-files. Default value is `false`.
$shrinkwrap->doCombineJs(true);         // Allow to combine all JS-files into one. Depends on `->doMinifyJS(true)`. Default value is `false`.
$shrinkwrap->doMinifyCss(true);         // Allow to minify and cache non-minified JS-files. Default value is `false`.
$shrinkwrap->doCombineCss(true);        // Allow to combine all CSS-files into one. Depends on `->doMinifyCSS(true)`. Default value is `false`.
$shrinkwrap->doLog(true);               // Show some info in the browser console. Default value is `false`.
$shrinkwrap->assetDir('assets');        // Directory to store minified files cache. Default value is `__DIR__/assets`.

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Configure minify engines and set their native options.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

// Voku HtmlMin minify options.
$voku_options = [
	'doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser'                   => true,  // optimize html via "HtmlDomParser()"
	'doRemoveComments'                             => true,  // remove default HTML comments (depends on "doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(true)")
	'doSumUpWhitespace'                            => true,  // sum-up extra whitespace from the Dom (depends on "doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(true)")
	'doRemoveWhitespaceAroundTags'                 => true,  // remove whitespace around tags (depends on "doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(true)")
	'doOptimizeAttributes'                         => true,  // optimize html attributes (depends on "doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(true)")
	'doRemoveHttpPrefixFromAttributes'             => true,  // remove optional "http:"-prefix from attributes (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doRemoveHttpsPrefixFromAttributes'            => true,  // remove optional "https:"-prefix from attributes (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doKeepHttpAndHttpsPrefixOnExternalAttributes' => true,  // keep "http:"- and "https:"-prefix for all external links
	'doMakeSameDomainsLinksRelative'               => [],    // make some links relative, by removing the domain from attributes (['example.com'])
	'doRemoveDefaultAttributes'                    => true,  // remove defaults (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)" | disabled by default)
	'doRemoveDeprecatedAnchorName'                 => true,  // remove deprecated anchor-jump (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doRemoveDeprecatedScriptCharsetAttribute'     => true,  // remove deprecated charset-attribute - the browser will use the charset from the HTTP-Header, anyway (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromScriptTag'          => true,  // remove deprecated script-mime-types (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromStylesheetLink'     => true,  // remove "type=text/css" for css links (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromStyleAndLinkTag'    => true,  // remove "type=text/css" from all links and styles
	'doRemoveDefaultMediaTypeFromStyleAndLinkTag'  => true,  // remove "media="all" from all links and styles
	'doRemoveDefaultTypeFromButton'                => false, // remove type="submit" from button tags
	'doRemoveEmptyAttributes'                      => true,  // remove some empty attributes (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doRemoveValueFromEmptyInput'                  => true,  // remove 'value=""' from empty <input> (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doSortCssClassNames'                          => true,  // sort css-class-names, for better gzip results (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doSortHtmlAttributes'                         => true,  // sort html-attributes, for better gzip results (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
	'doRemoveSpacesBetweenTags'                    => true,  // remove more (aggressive) spaces in the dom (disabled by default)
	'doRemoveOmittedQuotes'                        => true,  // remove quotes e.g. class="lall" => class=lall
	'doRemoveOmittedHtmlTags'                      => true,  // remove ommitted html tags e.g. <p>lall</p> => <p>lall

$shrinkwrap->htmlEngineConfig('voku', $voku_options); // allows to customize the Voku HtmlMin minifier.

$html = '
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <title>HTML page</title>

      function a() {
        let a = 0;

      .class-a {
        border-radius: 4px;

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="js/a.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="js/b.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <link href="https://cdn.usebootstrap.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
    <link href="css/a.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
    <link href="css/b.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">

      Test HTML

    <!-- Comment -->
      function b() {
        let b = 0;

      function c() {
        let c = 0;

    <!-- Comment -->
      .class-b {
        border-radius: 4px;
      .class-c {
        border-radius: 4px;


$html = $shrinkwrap->output($html);

Minified output:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"><meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"><title>HTML page</title><script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.js"></script><link href="//cdn.usebootstrap.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet"><script src="assets/4eb126993fd8e08ddf2c186bd95cd514.min.js"></script><link href="assets/55a39d42c37de2a6ca9617f70dfc2bfa.min.css" rel="stylesheet"><script>function a(){let a=0}</script><style>.class-a{border-radius:4px}</style><body><div> Test HTML </div><script>function b(){let b=0};function c(){let c=0}</script><style>.class-b{border-radius:4px}.class-c{border-radius:4px}</style></body></head></html>
