
Divergence is a PHP router for creating simple web APIs that can grow with your application by providing more features only when you need them.

dev-master 2014-03-24 05:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-18 04:58:36 UTC


Divergence Router

A fast router for PHP, as easy, or as full featured as you need it.

Insipred by ToroRouter (, which is a great router to quickly create simple apps. Divergence aims to be almost as simple, but provide more features for larger apps.

Build Status

Master: Build Status

Development: Build Status


  • Simple - Single file rouder, commented and easy to understand.
  • Debug - Provided debug handler, add it to your app temporarily to see what callbacks get called when, and with what data.
  • Server Setup - Use provided server configs (.htaccess for Apache and web.config for IIS) to route all of your requests to your index.php file.



$routes = array(
	'/v1/action/:number' => 'RestV1\Controller\Action'

Will route /v1/action/123 to the controller RestV1\Controller\Action based on the method, GET will call the get() method as get(123)

###Basic - Callback