
Light-weight package for gdpr consent records.

0.4.0 2021-04-22 21:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 04:58:56 UTC


Light-weight Laravel 5 package for user's consents and data processing records.


Via composer

composer require foothing/laravel-gdpr-consent

Add service provider in config/app.php

'providers' => [
	// omitted


Add alias in config/app.php if you want to use the facade

'aliases' => [
	// omitted

	'Consent' => Foothing\Laravel\Consent\Facades\Consent::class

Publish config and migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=migrations

Configure as needed, then run the migration php artisan migrate

Setup the treatments table php artisan consent

Quick start

First you need to configure which treatments are required by your site. You can do so in config/consent.php, like the following example:

'treatments' => [
		// A logical name for your treatment.
		'name' => 'gdpr.privacy',

		// You can specify which document
		// describes the treatment type
		// with a document version and url.
		// This part is optional.
		'documentVersion' => '1.0',
		'documentUrl' => env('PRIVACY_POLICY'),

		// Whether this treatment is active or not.
		// The reason why this flag is here is to
		// allow for progressive modifications, so you
		// can keep track of what the end user gave
		// consent to. So if you are upgrading or
		// changing the treatment the recommended
		// process is to deactivate the current one
		// then add a new record.
		'active' => true,

		// Set if this treatment is mandatory or optional.
		'required' => true,

		// A description text to be shown near a checkbox
		// or anywhere in your UI.
		'description' => 'gdpr.privacy.text',

		// UI weight, use this to choose what should be
		// listed first.
		'weight' => 0,
		'name' => '',
		'documentVersion' => '1.0',
		'documentUrl' => env('PRIVACY_POLICY'),
		'active' => true,
		'required' => false,
		'description' => '',
		'weight' => 1,

Once you are done with the configuration you can run php artisan consent:setup to update your treatments database.

Then make your User model implement the ConsentSubject Contract and use the HasConsents trait.

class User extends Model implements ConsentSubject
	// This trait will implement the relation to the consent table.
	use HasConsents;

     * Returns the subject id.
     * @return mixed
	public function getSubjectId()
        return $this->id;


Now you will be able to use the package API to register user's consent and data processing events like in the following example.

Display consent checkboxes in register page

@foreach(Consent::treatments() as $treatment)
	<div class="checkbox">
			<input name="consent_{{ $treatment->id }}" type="checkbox">
			{{ trans($treatment->description) }}

Note that your checkbox name must match consent_TREATMENTID

Validate checkboxes in your controller

public function postRegister(Request $request)
	if (! $treatments = Consent::validate($request->all()) {
		// User didn't accept all the mandatory checkboxes.
		throw new \Exception("Consent is mandatory in order to proceed.");

Register the consent

public function postRegister(Request $request)
	// omitted

	// This will register a record with the
	// user's consent along with an event log.
	Facade::grant($treatments, Auth::user());

Show consent in a user's settings page

<!-- Cycle through active treatments, just like the register page. -->
@foreach(Consent::treatments() as $treatment)
	<div class="checkbox">
			<input {{ Consent::exists($user, $treatment) ? 'checked' : '' }} name="{{ $treatment->id }}" type="checkbox">
			{{ trans($treatment->description) }}

Note that for the update handler the checkbox name should be the treatment id.

Save user's consent changes

public function postUpdateConsent(Request $request)
	// You should pass only the checkboxes as the first argument.
	Consent::update($request->except('_token'), Auth::user());

	// redirect as you like.

Note that those are just examples to show the Consent API, though i wouldn't recommend using the facade inside the views and you can replicate the same feature manipulating data in a controller, before the view is being rendered.

Log the "right to erasure"

In your delete user controller or service:

public function deleteIndex(Request $request)

	\DB::transaction(function() use($user)
		// Delete the user first.
    	// i.e. $user->delete();

    	// This will remove consents and log the erasure request.


It's not completely clear yet how anyone will approach logs or data processing records, which should anyway be stored and maintained. In order to provide a better flexibility an API for events has been added aswell.

The events API is implicitly used within the only hardcoded actions (grant, revoke, erasure) but you can use it how you like to track meaningful data processing records.

$event = new Event([
	// The subject id.
	'subject_id' => $user->id,

	// A string describing what has been done with subject's data.
	'action' => $action,

	// Optional, consent record id.
	'consent_id' => $consentId,

// Retrieving subject's logs

"Pseudonymization" in event records

Since each event record stores subject's ip and the request payload, those fields are encrypted with a 2-way algorithm.

Keep in mind that Laravel uses the config/app.php key to encrypt and decrypt, so if you change that your data won't be decryptable anymore.

Project status

This package is under active development and needs work, but it got to the point where i had the features i need at the moment.

What is needed yet

  • api refactor
  • test coverage to 100%
  • test with every 5.x minor release
  • travis integration
  • style fixes

so feel free to drop a line if you'd like to contribute.
