
Laravel authentication and ACL package with a cool admin panel. Laravel 7x


  • Access control list
  • Verson: 8.x
  • Support: Laravel 8x
  • Contact to support other versions


  • Config database with .env file


  • Install with composer: composer require foostart/package-acl

Step 1: Regist package to Laravel

Now open the file config/app.php and add to the providers option the following line:

  1. Foostart\Acl\Authentication\AuthenticationServiceProvider::class,
  2. Foostart\Category\CategoryServiceProvider::class,

Step 2: Regist middleware to Laravel

Now open the file app/Http/Kernel.php and add the following lines to your routeMiddleware array:

  1. 'admin_logged' => \Foostart\Acl\Http\Middleware\AdminLogged::class,
  2. 'logged' => \Foostart\Acl\Http\Middleware\Logged::class,
  3. 'can_see' => \Foostart\Acl\Http\Middleware\CanSee::class,
  4. 'has_perm' => \Foostart\Acl\Http\Middleware\HasPerm::class,
  5. 'in_context' => \Foostart\Category\Middleware\InContext::class,

Step 3: Delete user and password migration file in database/migrations

Step 4: Install

  1. php artisan authentication:install
Which provider or tag's files would you like to publish?:
Select option [* ] Provider: Foostart\Acl\Authentication\AuthenticationServiceProvider
  1. php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Foostart\Category\CategoryServiceProvider" --force
  2. Ref: