
v2.0.0 2023-11-30 18:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-09 11:25:12 UTC


PHP client for services.


Download by hand lib folder:

By composer:

composer require foldas/qrstart-php


Request for QR Code:

$data = [
	'type' => 'bank',
	'amount' => 1000,
	'currency' => 'CZK',
	'date' => '20210101',
	'account' => '123456789/6666',
	'note' => 'QR Platba',
	'variable' => '2021',
	'size' => 150
$qrstart = new Qr\QrStart('your-api-key');
$response = $qrstart->qrCode($data);

Response for QR Code:

	'success': true,
	'url': ''

Request for QR Code added into PDF file:

$data = [
	'type' => 'bank',
	'amount' => 1000,
	'currency' => 'CZK',
	'date' => '20210101',
	'account' => '123456789/6666',
	'note' => 'QR Platba',
	'variable' => '2021',
	'size' => 100,
	'file' => '/var/www/your-site/file.pdf',
	'top' => 10,
	'right' => 10
$qrstart = new Qr\QrStart('your-api-key');
$response = $qrstart->qrCode($data);

Response for PDF file with QR Code:

	'success': true,
	'url': ''

Download QR code (PNG) or PDF file from our storage to you. Generated files are deleted continuously.

False response:

	'success': false,
	'message': 'error message'

Input parameters

  • type - type of code

    • possible values are bank, ean13, code128, text (default bank)
  • type bank:

    • amount - the amount (int or float)
      • required
    • currency - CZK or EUR
      • required for CZ/SK bank
      • for SEPA bank, the currency is automatically EUR
    • bank - CZ or SK or SEPA
      • CZ for czech QR code, SK for slovak QR code (it means CZ for czech bank app, SK for slovak bank app)
      • SEPA means EPC SEPA format
      • if empty, CZ for CZK currency and SK for EUR currency will be used
    • account - whole account number include bank code (123-456789123/4567)
      • for CZK currency
    • iban - IBAN
      • required for EUR currency (or for CZK, if you don't want to fill account)
    • swift - SWIFT code (BIC)
    • variable - variable symbol
    • constant - constant symbol
    • specific - specific symbol
    • note - note for the payer
    • date - due date (format YYYYMMDD)
    • size - size of generated png image in pixels (min. 50, max. 600, default 150)
      • for pdf the size is in mm
    • margin - image margin in pixels (default 2)
    • tag - internal note (visible in the dashboard, max. 50 chars)
    • reference - payer reference
      • for SK bank EUR currency (variable and constant and specific must be empty)
      • for SEPA bank
    • beneficiary - beneficiary name
      • for SEPA bank only
    • remittance - remittance text
      • for SEPA bank only (reference must be empty)
    • instant 0-1 (int) (default 0)
      • use 1 for instant payment
      • for CZ bank only
  • type ean13:

    • code - EAN-13 code
      • required
    • size - 1-5 (int) (default 2)
      • for pdf the size is in mm
    • tag - internal note (visible in the dashboard, max. 50 chars)
  • type code128:

    • code - some text
      • required
    • size - 1-5 (int) (default 2)
      • for pdf the size is in mm
    • tag - internal note (visible in the dashboard, max. 50 chars)
  • type text:

    • code - some text
      • required
    • size - size of generated png image in pixels (min. 50, max. 600, default 150)
      • for pdf the size is in mm
    • margin - image margin in pixels (default 2)
    • tag - internal note (visible in the dashboard, max. 50 chars)
  • if you want put QR Code to you pdf file, add following parameters

    • file - location of pdf file on server
    • top - position from top in mm
    • bottom - position from bottom in mm
      • in one request use top or bottom
    • left - position from left in mm
    • right - position from right in mm
      • in one request use left or right
    • page - the page on which the image is saved (default 1)
      • for last page use value -1
  • by default the QR code image is generated as PNG, but you can also generate it as JPG/WEBP

    • output - jpg or webp
      • jpg value creates an image in JPG format
      • webp value creates an image in WEBP format


Please check the examples folder.