
Fogio Dependency Injection Container

dev-master 2016-12-10 23:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-07 14:06:16 UTC


Dependency Injection Container; IoC - Inverse of Control; fast; simple; no auto injection; static, dynamic, lazy services definition


composer require fogio/container


Static definitions


use Fogio\Container;

class App extends Container
    protected function _db() // service name is prefixed with `_`
        return $this->db = new Pdo('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test'); // shared

    protected function _mailer()
        return Mailer::class; // shared, setDefaultShared(true) by default

    protected function _newsletter()
        return new (Newsletter()) // non shared
            ->setMailer($this->mailer) // injection

$app = new App();

Dynamic definitions by __invoke


use Fogio\Container;

$app = new Container();
    'newsletter' => function ($c) {
        return $c->db = new Pdo('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test'); // shared
    'mailer' => Mailer::class, // shared
    'newsletter' => function ($c) {
        return new (Newsletter()) // non shared
            ->setMailer($c->mailer) // injection

Dynamic has higher priority


use Fogio\Container;

class App extends Container
    protected function _newsletter()
        return NewsletterA::class;

$app = new App();
    'newsletter' => function ($c) {
        return NewsletterB::class; // shared
echo get_class($app->newsletter); // NewsletterB

Using trait


use Fogio\ContainerTrait;

class App
    use ContainerTrait;

Extending each service in container using _factory


use Fogio\Container;

$validators = new Container();
    'notEmpty' => NotEmpty::class,
    'email'    => Email::class,
    '_factory' => function($service, $name, $container) {
        if ($service instanceof TranslatorAwareInterface) {
            $service->setTranslator(new Translator());

        return $service;

_factory is called even if service is not defined


use Fogio\Container;

$services = new Container();
    '_factory' => function($service, $name, $container) {
        if ($service == null) {
            $service = new DefaultService();

        return $service;

Lazy dynamic services definition using _init


use Fogio\Container;

class Validators extends Container implements LostInToughtInterface
    protected function __init()

$validators = new Validators();
// $validators instanceof LostInToughtInterface === true
// services are not defined yet

function configure($container) {
        'notEmpty' => NotEmpty::class,
        'email'    => Email::class,

// getting service from container  
$emailValidator = $validators->email;

// or checking if service is defined

// calls the `_init` feature and configure the container

_init and _factory are reserved services names