
Make your Eloquent models orderable by using the orderable trait on them. Which automatically updates the order of all other models within it's group when the order of a current model is updated or a new model insereted or deleted.

v1.2.0 2019-04-26 12:56 UTC


Laravel Eloquent Orderable is a package that helps you make your eloquent models orderable, either within a group our within all other models of the same class.


Install via composer

composer require flyhjaelp/laravel-eloquent-orderable

Database setup

If you want to use the orderable functionality on a model it has to have a database column it can be ordered by. By default the package will look for a column named "order", but this can be overwritten. The order column should be an unsigned integer that's nullable. Example:

Schema::create('orderable_test_models', function (Blueprint $table) {

Default Usage


use Flyhjaelp\LaravelEloquentOrderable\Interfaces\OrderableInterface;
use Flyhjaelp\LaravelEloquentOrderable\Traits\Orderable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Foobar extends Model implements OrderableInterface { //implement the orderable interface

   use Orderable; //use the orderable trait

Creating a new model without a specified order

New instances will now have an order added to them, by default they are added as last in order.

$foobarA = (new Foobar())->save();
$foobarB = (new Foobar())->save();
$foobarC = (new Foobar())->save();
// will output [1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3]

Creating a new model with a specified order

If an order is specified when being created that order will update already existing orders accordingly.

$foobarD = new Foobar();
$foobarD->order = 2;
// will output [1 => 1, 4 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4]

Updating the order of a model

When updating a models order the other models automatically update their orders accordingly.

$foobarC->order = 2;`
Foobar::all()->pluck('order','id'); // will output [1 => 1, 3 => 2, 4 => 3, 2 => 3]

Deleting a model

When deleting a model, the order of all other models with a higher order will have their order decreased by one.

Foobar::all()->pluck('order','id'); // will output [3 => 1, 4 => 2, 2 => 3]

Grouping usage

You can make a group within your model, and the order only applies within the group. Example you might have a model called MenuItem which should be grouped by menu_id, and the order should only apply within it's group. To add a group to model you have to include the orderableWithinGroup trait and implement the following functions:

  • scopeOrdered(Builder $query)
  • scopeWithinOrderGroup(Builder $query, OrderableInterface $orderableModel)
  • columnsAffectingOrderGroup()

use Flyhjaelp\LaravelEloquentOrderable\Interfaces\OrderableInterface;
use Flyhjaelp\LaravelEloquentOrderable\Traits\OrderableWithinGroup;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class MenuItem extends Model implements OrderableInterface { //implement the orderable interface

   use OrderableWithinGroup; //use the orderableWithinGroup trait
   public function scopeOrdered(Builder $query): void{
   public function scopeWithinOrderGroup(Builder $query, OrderableInterface $orderableModel): void{
   public function columnsAffectingOrderGroup(): Collection{
      return collect(['menu_id']);

Models are now ordered within their group

New instances will have an order added to them, by default they are added as last in order within their group


$foobarA = new Foobar();
$foobarA->menu_id = 1;
$foobarB= new Foobar();
$foobarB->menu_id = 1;
$foobarC = new Foobar();
$foobarC->menu_id = 2;
// will output [1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 1]

Usage within pivot models

You can make pivot models orderable if you wish to be able order a many to many relationship whenever it's retrieved. The order only works one way, meaning if you for example have a journey that has mutiple checkpoints you can make the checkpoints come in the correct order when you retrieve them from the journey, but not the other way around.

Setup pivot model ordering

For a pivot model to be orderable you have to use the PivotOrderable trait on the model. It's also required to have an autoincrementing primary key(usually an "id") in the pivot relationship table. Besides that you have to implement the methods mentioned under OrderableWithinGroup


use Flyhjaelp\LaravelEloquentOrderable\Interfaces\OrderableInterface;
use Flyhjaelp\LaravelEloquentOrderable\Traits\PivotOrderable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class JourneyCheckpointsRelationship extends Pivot implements OrderableInterface{

   use PivotOrderable;

   public $incrementing = true;
   public function scopeWithinOrderGroup($query, OrderableInterface $orderableModel)
      return $query->where('journey_id', $orderableModel->journey_id);

   public function scopeOrdered(Builder $query): void

   public function columnsAffectingOrderGroup(): Collection
      return collect(['journey_id']);

When calling the relationship from a model, you have to chain on the using method on the belongsToMany call when defining the relationship on the model. Also you have to add orderBy method call if you want the relationship ordered when retrieved.


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Journey extends Model{

   public function checkpoints() {
      return $this


Overwriting default values

You have to change the default column used for storing the order in, as well as the default ordering scope.

Overwriting default ordering column

public function getOrderableColumn(): string {
  return 'non_default_order_column';

Overwriting global ordering scope

public function scopeOrdered(Builder $query): void{


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
