
Neos plugin demonstrating a simple frontend login

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Open Issues: 4



4.2.1 2022-03-29 10:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 16:39:57 UTC


Neos plugin demonstrating a simple "frontend login"


This package mainly serves for demonstration purpose. You should be fine using it in productive applications, but if you need any custom behavior/style it's probably the easiest to create your own login form plugin. It's just a few files.

Setup & Use

  • Install the package to Packages/Plugin/Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin (e.g. via composer require flowpack/neos-frontendlogin)
  • Login to the Neos backend and create a new page "Login" (e.g. at /login)
  • On that page insert the new plugin Frontend login form
  • (Optionally) create a page (and subpages) for a "Members area" (e.g. at /members) and protect it as documented below
  • Publish all changes
  • Create a new Frontend User using the UI (in "Management > Frontend Users")
  • Alternatively you can use the neos.neos:user:create command (e.g. ./flow user:create --authentication-provider "Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin:Frontend" --roles "Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin:User")

Now you should be able to test the frontend login by navigating to /login.html

Protected Member Area

If you want to create a "Member Area" that is only visible to authenticated frontend users, add the following Policy.yaml to your site package:



        # Replace <NodeIdentifier> with the node's identifier to be targeted (you can see the identifier in the "Additional info"
        # group in the Property Inspector of the Neos Backend)
      matcher: 'isDescendantNodeOf("<NodeIdentifier>")'


          # Grant "frontend users" access to the "Member area"
        privilegeTarget: 'Acme.YourPackage:MembersArea'
        permission: GRANT

          # Grant "backend users" to access the "Member area" - Otherwise those pages would be hidden in the backend, too!
        privilegeTarget: 'Acme.YourPackage:MembersArea'
        permission: GRANT

The specified node and all its child-nodes will be hidden from anonymous users!

Note: Replace "Acme.YourPackage" with the package key of your site package and replace "<NodeIdentifier>" with the node identifier of the "member area" node (as described).

Rewriting the template path to your package

You might want to modify the template(s) according to your needs. Create a Views.yaml file and add the following configuration there:

  requestFilter: 'isPackage("Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin") && isController("Authentication") && isAction("index")'
    templatePathAndFilename: 'resource://Acme.YourPackage/Private/Templates/Authenticate/Index.html'

Adjust the actual value in templatePathAndFilename to your needs and copy the original template to that location in order to adjust it at will.

Redirect after login/logout

It is possible to specify pages the user will be redirected to after login and/or logout (since version 2.1.) in the login form properties.

Hint: In order to redirect to an external URL you can create a Shortcut node pointing to that URL and specify it as target for the redirect options.

User management UI

The user management UI is available to administrators and everyone else having the role Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin.Ui:UserAdministrator.

It allows to manage users with the Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin:Frontend authentication provider exclusively.

Remove expired users

The CLI command user:deleteexpired can be used to remove expired users.

It will delete all users having exactly one account with the Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin:Frontend authentication provider.