
1.0.3 2017-02-24 13:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 20:42:33 UTC


Although it is written to work with the flowcontrol/admin package, you can use this one as a standalone with Laravel 5.2.

It is still a work-in-progress.


Using Composer:

composer require flowcontrol/localization

Add the service provider:


The Facade:

'Locale'    => \FlowControl\Localization\LocalizationFacade::class,

Register the middleware in your App Kernel and be sure that the session middleware is registered before it:


What it does

It basically checks and persist the current language in a session and it assumes that you are using a parameter for the language in your routes. If you are using a diffrent method for changing languages, you can register your own middleware and utilize the Localizator class included in this package.

Also it creates a table for storing the available languages and has a Language model under the namespace FlowControl\Localization\Language. If you have multilingual data in your db, it also provides a Translatable model, which extends the base Eloquent model and adds functionality for translations.

Usage of translatable models

You will have to create two tables - one that stores the main model data that is not translatable and a second that will hold the translations.

They can look something like this:

Schema::create('people', function (Blueprint $table) {

Schema::create('people_translations', function (Blueprint $table) {

    $table->string('name', 100);
    $table->string('position', 100);



And the corresponding models:

// Person.php

namespace App\Models;

use FlowControl\Localization\Models\Translatable;

class Person extends Translatable
    protected $table = 'people';
    protected $fillable = ['is_visible', 'name', 'position'];
    protected $translatable = ['name', 'position'];

// PersonTranslation.php

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class PersonTranslation extends Model
    protected $table = 'people_translations';
    protected $fillable = ['language_id', 'name', 'position'];

And then in your app code:

 // Get the first model with translation in the current app locale
$person = Person::translated()->first();

 // Translated in the language with id of 1
$person = Person::translated(1)->first();

// Translated in the language with code of 'bg'.
// Have in mind that when you do it like this,
// an additional query will be made to find the language id.
$person = Person::translated('bg')->first();

$person->name; // You can access the translation model properties through the main model

// Create an instance of the main model
// with a translation in the current locale.
// If you do not pass translatable fields,
// only the main model will be persisted.
    'name'      => 'Miroslav Vitanov',
    'position'  => 'Developer',

// Updates the model and the translation that was
// created in the current locale.
    'name'      => 'Miroslav Vitanov',
    'position'  => 'PHP Developer',

// Translate a model in another language.
// You can pass a locale code or language id.
   'name'      => 'Мирослав Витанов',
   'position'  => 'Програмист',

// Check if any translations exist

// Check if a translation with language id exists

// Get all translations

// When a model is serialized to an array,
// it will include the current translation