
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

An urban dictionary agnostic of common slangs and their meanings

dev-master 2020-07-09 21:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-07-10 04:19:00 UTC


Build Status

Checkpoint One

This package was built mainly for academic purposes. It can be described ad an agnostic package that conforms with thephpleague.com specifications and uses the Test Driven Development process (PHPUnit)


  • Data: The main dictionary, a static associative array that contains urban words

  • Dictionary: CRUD implementations and Ranking System Implementation.

  • WordExistsException: Returns the associated exception message

  • WordNotFoundException: Returns the associated exception message


Require via composer like so:

    composer require florence/dictionary


    $dictionary = Data::$data;

    $dictionary = new Dictionary($dictionary); 

Add Slang

    $dictionary->addSlang($slang, $description, $sentence);

Retrieve Slang


Update Slang

    $dictionary->updateSlang($slang, $description, $sentence);

Delete Slang


Implement Ranking

The ranking system is implemented using the rankWords() method.

You can now traverse through the Data array to get your desired output like so:

foreach(Data::$data as $row => $innerArray)

    $res = $innerArray['Sample-sentence'];

    $getRank = $ranker->rankAndSort($res);

    $output = '';

        foreach($getRank as $key => $value)
            $output .= "$key => $value".', ';

        $output = rtrim("[".$output,','."]")."<br>";

        // print the final output

        echo $output;
        echo "<br>";

Sample Output:

[“Tight” => 3, “Prosper” => 2, “Yes” => 1, “Have” => 1, “you” => 1, “finished” => 1, “the” => 1, “curriculum?” => 1]