
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the flostone/mysql package instead.
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.3.0) of this package.

MySQL Library for plain php and other applications

1.3.0 2017-10-27 12:57 UTC


#MySQL helper for any PHP Project ##Installation require flostone/mysql-plainphp
##Usage Include the class using
use FloStone\MySQL\MySQL;
Connect to the database using
Now execute queries with the query function
$results = $sql->query("SELECT * FROM projects");
The results will always be returned immediately however you can also get the results using
$results = $sql->results(); ##Using Statements If you want to make it a little easier you can also use several statements as functions.
E.g. if you wanted to make a where clause you could also write
$projects = $sql->select('*')->where('id', '=', 1)->get();
In order to use these statements you first have to specify a table:
The table name will stay the same for every query until you eventually change it.
You can also chain the table with several statements:
$projects = $sql->table('projects')->select('*')->where('name', 'like', '%Test%')->orWhere('title', '=', 'Testingproject')->get();
Generally it works as the Laravel Eloquent Builder, which it is based on.
###Available Statements public function insert(array $columns, array $values);
public function create($table, $closure)
public function update($id, array $columns, array $values);
public function drop($table);
public function table($table);
public function select($select = '*');
public function where($column, $operator, $value = NULL);
public function orWhere($column, $operator, $value = NULL);
public function whereIn($column, array $values);
public function join($table, $primary, $operator, $other = NULL);
public function leftJoin($table, $primary, $operator, $other = NULL);
public function rightJoin($table, $primary, $operator, $other = NULL);
public function outerJoin($table, $primary, $operator, $other = NULL);
public function fullOuterJoin($table, $primary, $operator, $other = NULL);
public function orderBy($column, $order = 'desc');
public function all()
public function raw($sql);
public function columnExists($column);
In some cases the operator may also be the value, in that case the operator will be set to '=' by default.
###Create function closure When you want to use the "create" function, you need to pass in a closure or anonymous function as second argument.
This function takes one parameter:
The table parameter is a "Blueprint" instance, which is used to define certain fields in you table.
A basic example of a create query could look like this:
$sql->create('projects', function(Blueprint $table){ $table->increments(); $table->string('name'); $table->timestamps(); });
####Blueprint functions public function increments($name = 'id');
public function string($name, $null = false, $length = 255);
public function integer($name, $null = false, $unsigned = false);
public function text($name, $null = false);
public function custom($customquery);
public function timestamps();
A custom query must be implemented as one column definition:
tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL