
1.0.0 2022-10-09 16:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-09 19:42:25 UTC


The Spam-Filter package defines an object-oriented layer for checking strings about spam.

Build-in Filter Types

Regex Filter

The Regex Filter is build to match Spam by an array of Regex patterns. If a regex pattern result matches the input will rate as spam.

Blacklist Filter

The Blacklist Filter is used to match Spam by an array of patterns. If the input contain a pattern it will rate as spam .

Whitelist Filter

The Whitelist Filter is build to check if the input contains any whitelisted patterns. If no whitelisted pattern contained the input will rate as spam.

Url Filter

The URL Filter is build to match if the input contains url's.

Duplication Filter

The Duplication Filter is build to match word duplications in text's. The $minConsecutiveWords defines if only words or sentences with a specific length will be matched. Warning: For larger text this filter performs a lot of operations.


$spamFilter = new \Flexic\SpamFilter\SpamFilter([
    new \Flexic\SpamFilter\Filter\BlacklistFilter([
        'want to buy'
    new \Flexic\SpamFilter\Filter\RegexFilter([

    'Hello, how are you? Do you want to buy [[url=https://example.com/product]] this Product?'
); // Result: true (both filters detected spam)

    'Hey my friend. Do you want to test a new PHP Library?'
); // Result: false (No filter detected spam)

Create custom filter

The Spam-Filter supports the creation of custom filters. The Custom-Filters must implement the \ThemePoint\SpamFilter\Filter\FilterInterface with it's defined functions.


class EmailFilter implements \Flexic\SpamFilter\Filter\FilterInterface
    public function check($input): bool
        \preg_match_all('/(([^ ].*)@(.*))/', $input, $matches, \PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
        if (\count($matches) > 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

Pay attention to the following behavior of the check function:

  • Return true if spam is detected in input.
  • Return false if no spam is detected in input.


You can control how the Spam Filter react if an exception is thrown. The value of $responseOnException is equivalent to the filter results.

If you want that the Spam Filter defines an input as Spam if an exception is thrown set this value to true.



  • Initial commit of package
