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A simple logging class.

1.0.0 2018-07-19 10:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-13 05:44:47 UTC


A project written by Kenny Katzgrau and Dan Horrigan.

Improved by Flavien Berwick for valid JSON handling.


KLogger is an easy-to-use PSR-3 compliant logging class for PHP. It isn't naive about file permissions (which is expected). It was meant to be a class that you could quickly include into a project and have working right away.

If you need a logger that supports PHP < 5.3, see past releases for KLogger versions < 1.0.0.



From the Command Line:

composer require flavienbwk/klogger:dev-master

Basic Usage


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$users = [
        'name' => 'Kenny Katzgrau',
        'username' => 'katzgrau',
        'name' => 'Dan Horrigan',
        'username' => 'dhrrgn',

$logger = new flavienbwk\KLogger\Logger(__DIR__.'/logs');
$logger->info('Returned a million search results');
$logger->error('Oh dear.');
$logger->debug('Got these users from the Database.', $users);


[2014-03-20 3:35:43.762437] [INFO] Returned a million search results
[2014-03-20 3:35:43.762578] [ERROR] Oh dear.
[2014-03-20 3:35:43.762795] [DEBUG] Got these users from the Database.
    0: array(
        'name' => 'Kenny Katzgrau',
        'username' => 'katzgrau',
    1: array(
        'name' => 'Dan Horrigan',
        'username' => 'dhrrgn',

PSR-3 Compliant

KLogger is PSR-3 compliant. This means it implements the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.

See Here for the interface definition.

Setting the Log Level Threshold

You can use the Psr\Log\LogLevel constants to set Log Level Threshold, so that any messages below that level, will not be logged.

Default Level

The default level is DEBUG, which means everything will be logged.

Available Levels

use Psr\Log\LogLevel;

// These are in order of highest priority to lowest.


// The 
$logger = new Katzgrau\KLogger\Logger('/var/log/', Psr\Log\LogLevel::WARNING);
$logger->error('Uh Oh!'); // Will be logged
$logger->info('Something Happened Here'); // Will be NOT logged

Additional Options

KLogger supports additional options via third parameter in the constructor:

// Example
$logger = new Katzgrau\KLogger\Logger('/var/log/', Psr\Log\LogLevel::WARNING, array (
    'extension' => 'log', // changes the log file extension

Here's the full list:

Log Formatting

The logFormat option lets you define what each line should look like and can contain parameters representing the date, message, etc.

When a string is provided, it will be parsed for variables wrapped in braces ({ and }) and replace them with the appropriate value:


Same as default format but separates parts with tabs rather than spaces:

$logFormat = "[{date}]\t[{level}]\t{message}";

Custom variables and static text

Inject custom content into log messages:

$logFormat = "[{date}] [$var] StaticText {message}";


To output pure JSON, set appendContext to false and provide something like the below as the value of the logFormat option. You can use this :

$Logger = new flavienbwk\KLogger\Logger(__DIR__ . '/logs', Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO, [
    "dateFormat" => "G:i:s.u d/m/Y",
    "extension" => "json",
    "logFormat" => json_encode([
        'datetime' => '{date}',
        'logLevel' => '{level}',
        'message' => '{message}',
        'context' => '{context}',
    "appendContext" => false

The output will look like:

{"datetime":"2015-04-16 10:28:41.186728","logLevel":"INFO","message":"Message content","context":"{\"1\":\"foo\",\"2\":\"bar\"}"}

Pretty Formatting with Level Padding

For the obsessive compulsive

$logFormat = "[{date}] [{level}]{level-padding} {message}";

... or ...

$logFormat = "[{date}] [{level}{level-padding}] {message}";

Why use KLogger?

Why not? Just drop it in and go. If it saves you time and does what you need, go for it! Take a line from the book of our C-code fathers: "build upon the work of others".

Who uses KLogger?

Klogger has been used in projects at:

* The University of Iowa
* The University of Laverne
* The New Jersey Institute of Technology
* Middlesex Hospital in NJ

Additionally, it's been used in numerous projects, both commercial and personal.