
simple light db component

v5.2.0 2021-03-30 16:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 05:01:37 UTC


Lightdb is a simple db component. 轻量DB库

Install 安装

composer require flatphp/lightdb

Usage 使用

use \Lightdb\DB;

// config 配置
$conf = array(
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => '123456',
    'options' => [PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8']

// init 初始化

// raw sql 原生sql使用
$sql = 'select * from test where id>?';

// static use 静态门面模式使用
$data = DB::fetchAllIndexed($sql, 2);

$sql = 'insert into test(aa, bb) values(?, ?)';
$res = DB::execute($sql, [1, 2]);

// connection instance use
$conn = DB::conn();
$sql = 'select * from channel where id>?';
$data = $conn->fetchAll($sql, 2);

// fetch all to classes array
// 数据实例化对象
$data = $conn->fetchAllTo('MyModel', $sql, 2);

// fetch row to class
$data = $conn->fetchRowTo('MyModel', $sql, 2);

Support Fetch Method

method intro
fetchAll fetch all array with assoc, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchAllIndexed fetch all with first field as indexed key, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchAllGrouped fetch all grouped array with first field as keys, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchRow fetch one row array with assoc, false is returned if failure
fetchColumn fetch first column array, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchColumnGrouped fetch grouped column array with first field as keys of grouped array, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchPairs fetch pairs of first column as Key and second column as Value, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchPairsGrouped fetch grouped pairs of K/V with first field as keys of grouped array, empty array returned if nothing of false
fetchOne fetch one field value, false returned if nothing or false
fetchAllTo fetch all to classes array, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchAllIndexedTo fetch all to classes array with firest field as indexed key, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchAllGroupedTo fetch all grouped array with first field as keys, empty array returned if nothing or false
fetchRowTo fetch one row to class, false is returned if failure

Master-Slaves 主从使用

use \Lightdb\DB;

$conf = array(
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=master;dbname=testdb',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => '123456',
    'options' => [PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'],
    'slaves' => array(
            'dsn' => 'mysql:host=slave1;dbname=testdb',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => '123456',
            'dsn' => 'mysql:host=slave2;dbname=testdb',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => '123456',


// write to master db
$sql = 'insert into test(aa) values(1)';
$res = DB::execute($sql);

// select from slave db
$sql = 'select * from test';
$data = DB::fetchAll($sql);

// force read from master
// 强制从主库读取
$sql = 'select * from test';
$data = DB::master()->fetchAll($sql);

Multiple DB Instance 多DB实例

use \Lightdb\DB;

$conf = array(
    'db1' => array(...),
    'db2' => array(...),

$sql = 'select * from test';

Transaction 事务

use \Lightdb\DB;

$transaction = DB::transaction();
    // do something
}, function(){
    // do something after commit
}, function(){
    // do something after rollback

another way:

use \Lightdb\DB;
$transaction = DB::transaction();
try {
    // do something
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    throw $e;

Query Builder sql构建查询


use Lightdb\DB;

$conn = DB::conn();

$conn->query()->table('users')->select('name, age')->where('age>?', 10)->fetchRow();

// read from master
$query = DB::query(['master' => true])->table('users as u')->select('u.id, u.name')
    ->leftJoin('score as s', 'u.user_id=s.user_id')
    ->where('class=?', 1)->orWhere('(age>12 AND sex=1)')
    ->orderBy('u.id DESC');
$result = $query->page(1, 10)->fetchAll();
$count = $query->count();


use Lightdb\DB;

    'name' => 'peter',
    'age' => 12,
    'sex' => 1


use Lightdb\DB;
use Lightdb\Raw;

DB::conn('other')->query()->table('users')->whereIn('name', ['peter', 'tom'])->update(array(
    'class' => 1,
    'point' => new Raw('point+1')


use Lightdb\DB;

// get delete sql
DB::query()->where('id=?', 10)->delete();

// execute
$query = DB::conn('another')->query();
$query->table('users')->whereNotIn('id', [1,2,3])->delete();

Query Join Method

  • leftJoin($table, $on, $bind = null)
  • rightJoin($table, $on, $bind = null)
  • innerJoin($table, $on, $bind = null)
  • fullJoin($table, $on, $bind = null)

Query Where Method

  • where($where, $bind = null)
  • whereIn($field, array $values)
  • whereNotIn($field, array $values)
  • orWhere($where, $bind = null)
  • orWhereIn($field, array $values)
  • orWhereNotIn($field, array $values)

Query Limit and Offset

  • limit($limit, $offset = 0)
  • offset($offset)
  • page($page, $page_size = 10)

Query Count

  • count() (ignore limit and offset)


  • insert(array $data)
  • update(array $data)
  • delete()