
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2014-01-30 22:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:04:02 UTC


This is a really simple laravel package that wraps Authy_Api.


  1. Install the flatline/authy-laravel package

    $ composer require "flatline/authy-laravel:dev-master"
  2. Update app/config/app.php to activate Authy

    # Add `AuthyLaravelServiceProvider` to the `providers` array
    'providers' => array(
    # Add the `Authy` facade to the `aliases` array
    'aliases' => array(
        'Authy' => 'Flatline\AuthyLaravel\Facades\Authy',

The facade is not required, as you can request the Authy_Api class through the container with any variation of the following:

$authy = app('authy');

// or:

$authy = App::make('Authy_Api');

// or even:

class Foo
    protected $authy;

    public function __construct(\Authy_Api $authy)
        $this->authy = $authy;

In all of the cases, the calss will be automatically initialized with your corresponding API key and url (production or sandbox) before injection.


  1. Generate a template Authy config file

    $ php artisan config:publish flatline/authy-laravel
  2. Update app/config/packages/flatline/authy-laravel/config.php with your Authy API keys and turn on or off sandbox mode:

    return [
        | Sandbox Mode
        | While you're developing your application you might want to work on the
        | sandbox environment. To do so, just set this variable to "true".
        'sandbox' => false,
        | API Keys
        | First, you'll need to create your application on the Authy Dashboard.
        | Once you created your Authy App, copy the API keys and paste them here.
        'api_key' => 'your-api-key',
        'sandbox_api_key' => 'your-sandbox-api-key',