
PHP 5.2 library for connect to OpenID services

v0.25 2020-02-20 08:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 17:58:16 UTC


A simple library that allows an application to authenticate a user through the basic OpenID Connect flow. This library hopes to encourage OpenID Connect use by making it simple enough for a developer with little knowledge of the OpenID Connect protocol to setup authentication.

Based on https://github.com/jumbojett/OpenID-Connect-PHP and reworked for PHP 5.2 More information about client functions on Gitbub https://github.com/jumbojett/OpenID-Connect-PHP


  1. PHP 5.2 or greater
  2. CURL extension
  3. JSON extension


  1. Install library using composer
composer require flandera/openid-connect-php-52
  1. Include composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Example 1: Basic Client

$oidc = new JumbojettOpenIDConnectClient('https://id.provider.com', 'ClientIDHere', 'ClientSecretHere');

[See openid spec for available user attributes][1]

Example 2: Authenticate

$oidc = new JumbojettOpenIDConnectClient('https://id.provider.com',
//Send authorization information i.e. username and password via form to auth endpoint
//get code and state from GET response of auth endpoint if success
$_SESSION['openid_connect_state'] = $_GET['state'];
//if autentization is succesfull retrive token from response
$token = $oidc->getTokenResponse();
//get identity from response JWT payload
$identity = $oidc->getIdTokenPayload()->identity;
//Or use other workflow according to OpenID documentation

Development Environments

In some cases you may need to disable SSL security on on your development systems. Note: This is not recommended on production systems.
