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Flamix package to use CommerceML

dev-main 2023-02-06 13:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 18:01:13 UTC




This package is intended for integration of product synchronization applications from FLAMIX. The package uses a simplified and improved version of the CommerceML exchange protocol.

Philosophy of Sync

  • Adding, editing, parsing, and deleting products, catalogs, and fields are carried out only on the site;
  • Bitrix24 synchronizes the catalog structure and products with fields;
  • Bitrix24 synchronizes product rests and prices to the site;

Warning! Bitrix24 does not upload the catalog and products to the website.


Concept Guides

We use CommerceML standards, but in order to simplify the exchange and in line with our sync philosophy, the following logical concepts have been adopted:

  • Main language - English (in some places it is translated into Russian to maintain backward compatibility);
  • Synchronization occurs step by step, 30 products per step;
  • After import, the import file is automatically deleted;
  • All data is compressed via zip;
  • If you need stop actions use throw new \Exception('Your message');

API and Actions

Inventory API and sync actions - https://inventory.app.flamix.solutions/docs

Can be imported and used as a Postman collection or OpenAPI Spec.

Install and usage

composer require flamix/commerceml

Create new class

* Redefining how the plugin works
* If something is not clear, see how it is done in the parent class Flamix\CommerceML\Init
namespace My\CMS;

use Flamix\CommerceML\Init;

class Exchange extends Init {
    * Called on export  
    * The export action calls these callbacks to get arrays of properties to be wrapped in xml
    * @axample public static function get(int $page, array $params = []): array
    * Note! Every callback must return EXTERNAL_ID as ID, and automatically create it, if it's empty or non exist
    * Note! $page will be passed automatically
    protected static string $product_callback = '\Exchange\Woo\Products';
    protected static string $category_callback = '\Exchange\Woo\Categories';
    protected static string $attribute_callback = '\Exchange\Woo\Attributes';

    * If you need to override the behavior of a standard action
    * For example, it is almost always necessary to override the authorization action behaviors
    public static function actionCheck()
        if (Setting::getOption('lead_domain') !== ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ?? ''))
            throw new \Exception('Bad login!');

        if (Setting::getOption('lead_api') !== ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] ?? ''))
            throw new \Exception('Bad password!');

        // If OK - Print our session_id
        return CheckAuth::printPhpSession();

    /****************** | HANDLERS | *******************/
    * HANDLERS (restsHandler, pricesHandler and productsHandler)
    * Called on import
    * If you need to override the behavior of a standard action
    * For example, it is almost always necessary to override the authorization action behaviors
    public static function restsHandler($product_id, array $rests): bool
        $woo_id = Products::getProductBy('EXTERNAL_ID', $product_id);
        commerceml_log('[restsHandler] Product ' . (($woo_id) ? 'founded with WooCommerce product ID ' . $woo_id : 'not found') . ' by EXTERNAL_ID: ' . $product_id, $rests);
        if (!$woo_id)
            return false;

        $general_quantity = array_sum(array_column($rests, 'quantity'));
        commerceml_log('[restsHandler] General quantity by all warehouses ' . $general_quantity);

        if (!$general_quantity)
            return false;

        // dd($woo_id, $general_quantity, $rests);
        return Products::set($woo_id, ['quantity' => $general_quantity]);

Init sync

// Init main settings and include helpers

// Start exchange
// \My\CMS\Exchange replace to your class
if (($_GET['flamix_product'] ?? false) === 'Y')

Export: Products, category and fields from site to CRM
