
A simple, yet very powerful, package that helps you get started with sending push notifications to your iOS or Android device through the service.

1.1.0 2022-01-06 04:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 09:19:06 UTC


A simple, yet very powerful, package that helps you get started with sending push notifications to your iOS, Android or Desktop through the service.



To get the latest version of fixedbit/laravel-pushover simply require it in your composer.json file.

composer require fixedbit/laravel-pushover

This package utilizes the autodiscovery features of Laravel so the installation will be a breeze.


The only configuration you need to do is to add the following to your .env file

PUSHOVER_TOKEN=[enter your token here]
PUSHOVER_USER=[place this your user key here]


Send message

// (REQUIRED) Import our PushoverMessage package
use Pushover\PushoverMessage;

// 1) Simple with just message
$message = new PushoverMessage('Taylor Otwell is a Legend')->send();

// 2) Simple with message and title
$message = new PushoverMessage('Learn Laravel from!', 'Learn Laravel')->send();

// 3) You can also choose to add a message (and/or) title as part of the chain
$message = new PushoverMessage()->message('Futurama Forever!')->title('Best TV Show')->send();

Advanced usage:

$message = new PushoverMessage('My <b>message</b> content.', 'My title!');

Get limits

To get your monthly limits, write the following:

$limitation = new PushoverLimitation();

$limitsResponse = $limitation->get();

echo $limitsResponse->limit();
echo $limitsResponse->remaining();
echo $limitsResponse->reset();

Get receipt

When a message with priority 2 is sent, you can get a receipt to check on the acknowledgment of the message.

$message = new PushoverMessage($this->faker->sentence, $this->faker->word);

$messageResponse = $message

$receiptResponse = $messageResponse->receipt()->get();

// Available methods
$receiptResponse->acknowledged(); // returns boolean
$receiptResponse->acknowledgedAt(); // returns Carbon
$receiptResponse->acknowledgedBy(); // returns string
$receiptResponse->acknowledgedByDevice(); // returns string
$receiptResponse->lastDeliveredAt(); // returns Carbon
$receiptResponse->expired(); // returns boolean
$receiptResponse->expiresAt(); // returns Carbon
$receiptResponse->calledBack(); // returns boolean
$receiptResponse->calledBackAt(); // returns Carbon


Copyright (c) 2022 Jason Hawks Licensed under the MIT license.

Forked from Laravel Pushover by Edward Karlsson and updated with respect.