
Codeigniter Migration

1.0.4 2020-11-11 10:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 11:21:43 UTC



en-us / zh-tw


composer require fishingboy/codeigniter-migration


  1. Create file: application/controller/Migration.php

    use fishingboy\ci_migration\CI_Migration_Controller;
    class Migration extends CI_Migration_Controller {
  2. Create file: application/libraries/Migration.php

    use fishingboy\ci_migration\CI_Migration_Library;
    class CI_Migration extends CI_Migration_Library {
  3. Modify file: application/config/Migration.php

    $config['migration_enabled'] = true;
  4. Create folder: application/migrations

  5. Create migration file : application/migrations/20001010101000_create_sample_tables.php

    <?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
    class Migration_Create_sample_tables extends CI_Migration
        public function up()
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE `users` ( 
                      `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , 
                      `name` VARCHAR(20) COMMENT 'name', 
                      `created_at` DATETIME NOT NULL , 
                      `updated_at` DATETIME NOT NULL , 
                      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
                  ) COMMENT = 'user';";
        public function down()
            $sql = "DROP TABLE `users`";
  6. Migration help: php index.php migration

    $ php index.php migration
      php index.php migration          -- help 
      php index.php migration migrate  -- execute migrations
      php index.php migration rollback -- rollback to prev migration
      php index.php migration ls       -- check migrations list 
  7. List of migrations

    $ php index.php migration ls
          Version         Status  File
     ---  --------------  ------  ------------------------------------
       1. 20190815002100    --    application/migrations/20190815002100_create_logs_tables.php 
     ---  --------------  ------  ------------------------------------
          0 Migration not execute.
  8. Execute migration

    $ php index.php migration migrate
    Migration Run : Migration_Create_sample_tables::up() ............. OK !
  9. Execute migration rollback

    $ php index.php migration rollback
    Migration Run : Migration_Create_sample_tables::down() ............. OK !