
Make Laravel Eloquent Model Translatable

1.1.0 2021-09-17 16:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 20:50:13 UTC


Make your Eloquent Models translatable.


You can install this package via composer by running:

composer require firstpoint-ch/eloquent-translatable

Configure models

Models can be translated in two different ways:

  1. Database: It stores translations as JSON in the database
  2. Dictionary: It stores keys and retrieve translations from the global /resources/lang/[locale].json or any specific file in /resources/lang/[locale]/[dictionary].php.

First you should store any database translated field as a json column. This package provide a translatable macro so you can quickly see which fields are translatable. Fields using the dictionary mode could be set to string.

Schema::create('products', function ($table) {
    $table->translatable('name'); // Outputs $table->json('name');
    $table->string('category'); // Will be used as a dictionary

Then you should add the Translatable trait to the model and cast attributes using Localizedor Dictionary

use FirstpointCh\Translatable\Casts\Dictionary;
use FirstpointCh\Translatable\Casts\Localized;
use FirstpointCh\Translatable\Traits\Translatable;

class Product extends Model
    use Translatable;

    protected $casts = [
        // Database
        'name' => Localized::class,
        'description' => Localized::class,

        // Dictionary:
        //get value from /resources/lang/[locale].json
        'category' => Dictionary::class,

        // or get value from /resources/lang/[locale]/categories.php
        'category' => Dictionary::class.':categories',

Basic example

Here's a quick look of what this package can do, check our extended documentation for all the details.


// Set translation in the current locale
$product = Product::create(['name' => 'Product name']);

// Get translation in the current locale
echo $product->name; // Product name

// Get array in the current locale
dd($product->toArray()); // ['name' => 'Product name']

// Update the current locale
$product->update(['name' => 'New name']);

// Update a specific locale
$product->update(['name->fr' => 'Nom du produit']);

// Force a locale
echo $product->in('fr')->name; // Nom du produit

// Get raw value
dd($product->raw('name')); // ['en' => 'Product name', 'fr' => 'Nom du produit']
dd($product->in('*')->toArray()); // ['name' => ['en' => 'Product name', 'fr' => 'Nom du produit']]