
Simple PHP daemon wrapper for your custom handler, integrates easily with initd or supervisor

0.1.2 2015-10-09 01:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 20:38:32 UTC


What is this project about

You have background tasks for your project? You want to code them in PHP? You need a simple framework to attach your tasks to?

Please try out my wrapper for your daemon tasks.

How to use it

That is quite simple, have a look at the example daemon to get an idea what you need to implement.

Integrate it via composer into project

composer require firegate666/daemon

Create your own daemon handler and daemon handler factory be implementing HandlerInterface and HandlerInterfaceFactory. Setup your own startup php script, see exampled.php

setup with start-stop-daemon

Copy your own init script to /etc/init.d/, see etc/init.d/

setup with supervisor

Download and install Supervisord. On Ubuntu or similar it is quite easy to use apt-get install. Copy your supervisor configuration to /etc/supervisor/conf.d/, see etc/supervisor/conf.d/exampled.conf. Copy your own init script to /etc/init.d/, see etc/init.d/

control it

Now you can control your daemon

/etc/init.d/exampled start
/etc/init.d/exampled stop
/etc/init.d/exampled restart
/etc/init.d/exampled status    

How does this thing work

Via a command line sript you can start up the daemon, see exampled.php. Write your own handler and factory and inject them into the daemon. When the daemon starts up, he forks 4 child processes with your pre-defined handler. If one child goes down, a new one is started. Each child process has its own handler instance and starts the run loop.

If the daemon itself receives a shutdown signal (SIGTERM, SIGINT), this signal is dispatched to his children and the daemon waits for their termination before he goes down himself.


  • too many children died in short amount of time detection
  • proper log messages and levels
  • define guidelines for levels