
Result Grouping in VuFind result list

v1.0.3 2024-02-12 12:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 15:34:52 UTC


This module offers a simple and performant but not perfect way to recognize and group seemingly duplicate records. It uses Apache Solr's grouping feature.

Solr groups all records with the same matchkey, when called with the grouping params below. The first of this similar records in each group is called "head record" the others are referred as "subrecords".

Grouping can optionally be turned on or off by end-users. The last state is being saved as cookie. This makes it easy to compare and evaluate grouping.

This README describes the steps to get it working and provides some troubleshooting hints.


Quick steps


Index a matchkey field in Solr. A good starting point would be to index format:isbn:year as matchkey, with

  • format: this should only be simple formats (about 10 different terms)
  • isbn: this should be normalized isbn13
  • year: year of publication (yyyy)

In case you don't have an isbn in the metadata, you could use






as matchkey, with

  • format: this should only be simple formats (maybe about 10 different terms)
  • author: this should be normalized to lowercase lastname
  • title: this should be normalized (lowercase)
  • year: year of publication (yyyy)
  • publisher: this should be normalized (lowercase, handling of abbreviations and punctuation)

Enable this module

Add the following line to your composer.json:

"finc/vufind-results-grouping": "@dev"

Update your composer packages:

$ composer update

Add the module to your application.config.php:

$modules = [
    'Laminas\Cache', 'Laminas\Form', 'Laminas\Router', 'LmcRbacMvc', 'Laminas\I18n',
    'Laminas\Mvc\I18n', 'SlmLocale', 'VuFindTheme', 'VuFindSearch', 'VuFind',
    'VuFindAdmin', 'VuFindApi', 'VuFindResultsGrouping'

For advanced users, it's also possible to copy the into modules and enable it in httpd-vufind.conf. But then you need to care about updates yourself.

Enabling the VuFindResultsGrouping module along custom code modules

The VuFindResultsGrouping module extends several VuFind classes. Therefore, if you have added a module with custom code to your VuFind installation which customizes any of the following classes you need to list the VuFindResultsGrouping module in the application.config.php prior to your custom module and alter the inheritance references to the VuFindResultsGrouping module accordingly.

VuFind classes extended in VuFindResultsGrouping module:


Use trait

In your record driver, use the SubrecordTrait by adding

class Your RecordDriver extends SolrMarc {
    use VuFindResultsGrouping/RecordDriver/SubrecordTrait;

This just adds some accessor methods. It will not interfere with your custom code.

Add params to config

In your local config.ini add the following to [Index] section`

group = true
group.field = "enter the name of your matchkey here"
group.limit = 10

User interface


Add js/resultGrouping.js to your theme configuration.

HTML / Templates

We use Bootstraps collapse function to implement this. It might require 'bootstrapizing' VuFind's result-list.phtml because Bootstrap sometimes conflicts with the Flexboxes used in default VuFind.


Put the HTML from search/controls/group.phtml where you want the checkbox the enable / disable grouping, for example insearch/results.phtml.


We need a button to open/close the collapsible div. It can be found in RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/result-list-grouping-button.phtml and should be put under the existing buttons "Add to favorites" and "Add to book bag".

Notice the two random strings pid (panel id) and pgid (panel group id), that controls the link between a button and a collapse. It must be unique for each record.

Collapsible records

The subrecords itself can be found in RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/result-list-subrecords.phtml. This code should be put to result-list.phtml, too. We placed it at the end of a record.


Be aware that we do not provide templates for result-grid based layouts.

External Sources