
Modern and Easy 301 redirects for Wordpress. Intend to replace Simple 301 Redirects

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1.0.7 2023-08-02 19:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 12:47:54 UTC


Modern and Easy 301 redirects for Wordpress. Intend to replace Simple 301 Redirects plugin

Use cases

  • Create HTTP 301 redirections from your Wordpress server routes, directly in the wp-admin
  • Use a modern GUI for better management of your redirections.


  • Wildcard is always active! End your request route with an * and it will be applied
  • Easely navigate, search and sort through your redirections list.
  • Export your redirections to a CSV file.


Install as a regular plugin or using wpackagist


  • GUI is based on React. Clone the repo and run yarn to install all dependencies.
  • You will need a Wordpress instalation to test your development. Include the repo dir into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of it.