
An image placeholder to get attention that this image need to be replaced. You can make an image by using basic CSS experience.

1.0 2019-04-16 06:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 03:58:17 UTC


An image placeholder to get attention that this image need to be replaced. You can make an image by using basic CSS experience.

Check the Demo here: DEMO

How to install?

We recommend you to install this library by using composer. But, if you don't use composer you can still install it manually by downloading it.

1. Via Composer

  1. Get on your terminal and change directory to your project, then type this:
    composer require fikoborizqy/dummy-image
  2. Once Process succeed, create a new blank file example.php. You can change the name to anything.
  3. Copy this basic code:
    	"height" 		=> "128px",
    	"width" 		=> "128px",
    	"font-size" 		=> "48pt",
    	"background-color" 	=> "#8EC051",
    	"color" 		=> "#709c3d",
    	"content" 		=> "FB",
    	"font-family" 		=> "roboto"

2. Manually

  1. Download ZIP files
  2. Extract that zip to your project directory.
  3. Copy example.php from Dummy Image directory to you project.
  4. Access that example.php on browser. (You can rename that file or change the CSS)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


MIT © 2019