
Simple PDO wrapper for agile yet safe ORM and direct queries

3.0 2018-10-25 06:52 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-12 18:49:40 UTC


Simple PDO wrapper for agile yet safe ORM and direct SQL queries for PHP

1. Abstract

Use this lib whenever you don't need a full-fledged ORM framework.

What gazedb does not provide:

  • Comprehensive mapping of the full database schema
  • Caching layer
  • Declarative relationship syntax
  • Lazy loading of collections

If you do not know how to write clean efficient SQL queries, or if you do not understand how an index can help your architecture, or if you plan on replacing your underlying DBMS vendor every other weekend, you should use a different library (such as Doctrine). You might need to learn a new querying language (Hibernate QL, Doctrine QL, etc.) and a complex family of framework-specific annotation-based grammar to declare the relationship between your tables.

What gazedb does provide:

  • Simple PDO wrapper
  • Normative constant-based notation for tables and columns names,
  • Simple helpers for single-object CRUD operations,
  • Simple syntax to assist in creating your own real SQL queries in a reusable way.

In most cases, your gazedb Model Objects do not know how they relate to each other. The database intelligence remains in your hands (indexes, best way to join, when and how to fetch, etc.).

2. Model Object

Create one class per table, as child class of ModelObject.

class Employee extends ModelObject

The subclass must implement the following methods:

  • tableName
  • mapFields

The ModelObject subclass may implement the following methods:

  • mapPK
  • mapAutoIncrement

2.1. Table name

 * Must override. Returns the name of the table.
 * @return string
protected static function tableName()
  return 'employees';

You will never use tableName() directly. This method is used in the ancestor's table() static method.

Employee::table() returns the DB table name that you configured for Employee class.


$query = "select * from ".Employee::table()." limit 10"

2.2. Columns

Declare Class constants for the field names of your table.

class Employee extends ModelObject
  public const ID = 'employee_id';
  public const LASTNAME = 'lastname';
  public const SALARY = 'salary';
  public const DEPARTMENT = 'dept_id';

The const are not explicitly used by the library ; rather, they are a reusability helper, for you to write non hard-coded DB identifiers in your code and queries.

You must indicate gazedb what columns are part of the data exchange, via method mapFields:

 * Must override. Returns the associative array of the columns mapping
 * (column name => default value)
 * @return array
public static function mapFields()
  return [
    self::ID => null,
    self::LASTNAME => '',
    self::SALARY => 0,
    self::DEPARTMENT => null

And you must write mutators for your columns:

public function getLastname() { return $this->column(self::LASTNAME); }

 * @return Employee
public function setLastname($value) { return $this->assign(self::LASTNAME, $value); }

Make your setters chainable by hinting the return type to same class.

2.3. Primary key

You can specify a primary key (incl. a multi-column one) by overriding the method:

     * Should override, if the table has a PK (single- or multiple-field).
     * Returns an array of field names.
     * @return array
    public function mapPK()

You never need to invoke this method explicitly. A typical example of mapPK implementation is:

  public function mapPK()
    return [ self::ID ];

2.4. Auto-increment

Provide an implementation for mapAutoIncrement if your table has an auto-numbering column which the database assigns alone at insertion time.

 * The name of the auto-increment column.
 * @return string
public function mapAutoIncrement() {
    return self::ID;

3. Build Your Queries

You write typical queries in your code by taking benefit from the const names.

$query = "
    ".Employee::table()." Employee
    inner join ".Department::table()." Dept
      on Dept.".Department::ID." = Employee.".Employee::DEPARTMENT."
    Employee.".Employee::SALARY." > 10000

So, you write real, valid SQL, in the target dialect of your choice (i.e. specific syntax and functions of the actual SQL engine).

You may use the usual parameter binding that comes with PDO (the :param syntax) and you should take care of SQL injection protection.

The only benefit you gain from writing your queries using the above recommendation, is consistency and syntax checking on the names of tables and fields.

4. Database object

gazedb lets you handle several simultaneous connections to different data sources. It uses the injectable Singleton pattern, with named instances.

$db = Database::get();
$archiveDB = Database::get('archive');

You must invoke injectDsn($dsnString, $username, $password) on a Database instance, to specify the PDO connection string.

Then, you manipulate the underlying PDO instance directly, with:


which returns your plain and well-known PDO object, for you to execute:

$recordset = $db->pdo()->query($query);

4.1. CRUD operations

In addition to the underlying PDO operations, made directly on the $database->pdo() instance, gazedb offers simple CRUD auto-mapping methods for those Model objects that map a primary key.

4.1.1. Load

// "new" does not create anything in DB
$employee = new Employee();

// Specify the key value for the employee you wish to load:

// Fetch the record and auto-set all the mapped columns (see mapFields() method)

echo $employee->getLastname();

In case the record could not be found for specified primary key, the Database::load method will throw an ObjectNotFoundException.

4.1.2. Update

Once you have a populated object, you can modify any field with its mutators, and save it back to the database with the udpate method.


The update method produces a query which only changes the values you modified explicitly, leaving all the other fields untouched.

Notice: gazedb does not check the state of the object before storing it back to database. If the record was changed by another process or connection, your udpate statement will still be issued without your knowing it.

Likewise, update does not re-fetch the object's fields if they were changed in database since your previous call to load.

4.1.3. Insert

$employee = new Employee();


echo $employee->getId();

The insert method fires an insert query, optionally assigning the auto-increment value to the mapped auto-increment field if you specified one in your Model object.

After the insert call, your object is considered "clean" and you can modify its values again through the mutators, before performing an update on the modified values only.