
Takes Product and Shipment information and passes back an FPDF object containing CN22 or CN23 GB customs forms

dev-master 2021-01-14 16:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 00:21:22 UTC


This library is under development and the interface is not stable!

This library produces FPDF objects containing CN22 or CN23 forms.

Have a look in the examples folder.

The basic syntax is as follows:

$form = new \fhindsthejewellers\GBCustomsForm\CustomsManager($products,$details);

$type = $form->GetType();

$pdf = $form->GetPDF();

Where $products is an array of products and $details is an array of details about the parcel

The CustomsManager class also provides a couple of static methods:

  • IsCn22FormPossible(array) : bool - Tells you if these products will allow you to make the simplar CN22 form. CN23 needs more information passed in the $details array.
  • ValidateProductArray(array) : array - This will pass back your product array and tell you if the names are too long